• Thief_of_Crows@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Just because west isn’t polling there now doesn’t mean he couldn’t be. Trump is unpopular enough that literally any random person on the internet could beat him if they were made the dem nominee. If Dems want to win this election, they have to cut Biden out. He’s going to lose, because of the genocide. I don’t doubt that Shapiro could also win, as long as the DNC gets behind him.

    • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      So instead of the current president of the United States that has beaten Trump before, you want to put up someone with zero name ID less than a year before the election?

      Listen, I don’t dislike West. He’s got some good ideas. He absolutely cannot win a national election with this little time to campaign. That’s the problem with the idea that the Democrats can replace Biden and run someone else. That opportunity has straight up passed. No one else has the fundraising, campaign staff, or name ID to start running a presidential campaign now. I really wish there was, but there isnt. Even if the entire Democrat campaign apparatus was behind them. It simply takes time that isn’t there anymore.

      It’s gonna be Biden or Trump, so we might as well do everything we can to insure it’s Biden because if it’s not we might not have the opportunity to get better candidates in the future. 2028 has some solid presidential candidates in the pipeline for the Democrats.

      Sure Biden might lose, but that’s not a forgone conclusion and being a defeatist isn’t going to help anyone but the GOP.

      • Thief_of_Crows@lemmy.ml
        8 months ago

        Have you noticed that a lot of people aren’t so keen on this trump fella? I’m pretty sure I could beat trump if the DNC got behind me, and I’m not even 35. The only guy who can’t beat him is the one currently doing a genocide and also overseeing a tanking economy from the working class perspective. It is MARCH. if we had a sane country, the start of the election would still be at least 2 months out. It’s definitely not too late, especially with how polls are looking. 100K Uncommitted Democrats in Michigan, a state Biden only won by 10K statewide. This election and the plans moving forward are too important to leave with a guy who is deeply unpopular, losing cognitive function by the day, and is at best 50/50 to even survive his term. Oh yeah and that guy is also committing a genocide.

        I’m a socialist, and I plan to vote for trump, solely over the genocide. But even if you think Biden is less bad than trump, we cannot afford to have someone as awful as the lesser of those evils. Like, if the election is Biden Trump, we have already lost, which side wins is almost irrelevant. The urgent problem is not that Trump might win, it’s that even if he doesn’t, the winner is still deeply unqualified to be president. I mean fuck, let’s just nominate Obama. If trump can run then Obama can. And I think obama was an awful president. But at least he is popular, knows where he is the entire time he’s awake, and isn’t going to die before 2028.

        People think that democracy will die by court rulings, trump getting away with a coup, etc. But it won’t. Democracy will die when 70+% of the country or so says “that’s not my president, and he isn’t my neighbor’s president, so why would I listen to his government?”

        • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          What planet are you living on that you think Biden and Trump are equally bad? What are you basing that on? I want actual policies.

          And explain how Trump would lessen (or not increase) the genocide in Gaza. Again, provide specifics**. I need to understand how the hell you’ve made such a poor assessment of all this. If you can’t that’s fine.

          • Thief_of_Crows@lemmy.ml
            8 months ago

            Well, trump is a lot worse, but he hasn’t committed a genocide. So that makes it pretty close but in Trump’s favor. Why would trump increase aid to Israel? He doesn’t stand to make any money off it. We know how trump operates. He just wants to make money and have people talk about him. He is probably the most predictable president in living memory. The reason I think he’d pull back on aid to Israel is that he got us out of Afghanistan, and was the first president in 50 years not to start a new war. Dating back to 1945, it’s only him, Carter, and Ford. We obviously can’t rely on his words, but actions speak louder anyway. So, why do I think it? It’s what he did last time. To be fair though, he will most likely try another coup.

            • MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              You’re seriously going to make the claim that Trump and the GOP don’t fervently support Israel and the genocide they’re committing? Are you high? Trump said quote “finish the problem” when asked about the genocide in Israel.

              You’re absolutely right, Trump (and the people surrounding him) are fairly predictable. That’s why it’s so confounding that someone would say he’s less of a threat than Joe Biden.

              The fact that you can say Trump will attempt ANOTHER coup and you still support him (you’re voting for him, your words, don’t say you don’t support him) says everything. You should really think your position through if you want people to take you seriously. This is where I’m done with this conversation, hope you have a nice day and reevaluate what you’re doing.

              • Thief_of_Crows@lemmy.ml
                8 months ago

                He supports Israel less fervently than Biden, who until a week ago was giving them “full throated support”. The trump quote doesn’t imply Israel needs to finish the job with our bombs. In fact, I would tend to key in on the word “finish”. I think he wants to end it. I mean, consider how little we have all been talking about him comparatively ever since 10/7. He might just end the war so we all go back to talking about him 24/7. It’s literally Trump’s least favorite thing in the world: something not about him which he cannot profit off of. I’m not saying he’s gonna suddenly do the right thing and just assassinate every Israeli politician and general, but I think Gaza will be in less danger if trump is president and the war hawks in DC don’t get everything they ask for.

                A coup isn’t as bad as genocide. We survived the first one after all.