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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I think pushing the first black VP aside could go more poorly than people expect. Whether or not we like Harris (I don’t), shes been a loyal VP this whole time and I can’t imagine she’s going to like having her only shot at the big chair taken away from her. I think keeping Harris as VP no matter what is the best path forward. You keep some continuity, you don’t really piss off any voters, and you keep everyone unified. A unified front is the only possible way any of this will work. If everyone fractures and infights until November we’re still fucked.

  • Okay I get that you don’t find those particular changes to be good enough, and I would agree with you. That doesnt make them lazy, and they’re still the best chance we have. And you’re completely ignoring the structural obstacles that they literally don’t have the votes to overcome, even if every single Democrat in Congress agreed.

    If we had given the Democrats a fillibuster proof majority and the White House for more than 2 months in the past couple decades I’d agree with you. But we haven’t done our job well enough here, just as much as they haven’t done theirs well enough. Framing the entire party as a lost cause and ineffective without looking at all the reasons why only hurts us.

    ETA: I do believe the ACA and the IRA were absolutely worthwhile and have positive benefits. Just because you don’t like parts of the bill doesn’t mean they aren’t.