• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sort of off topic but I honestly hate Santa. I don’t think it’s cool to lie to kids, especially to tell them that they and their actions are constantly judged by an invisible third person. That’s before getting into the class issues around rich kids apparently being better in this all knowing all seeing quasi benevolent god’s eyes. Why else would they get the good stuff while the poor kids get the shitty stuff and the knockoffs? Was no one else upset as a kid finding out that adults had essentially engaged in a conspiracy to deceive you? Fuck Santa. And fuck mass surveillance and judging gods and normalizing those concepts in children.

  • I could explain. I just don’t see you as being worth the bother. Your uninformed followup that features exactly no useful rejoinders or any conception of political philosophy confirms I made the correct decision to treat you like a stooge.

    I have engaged in no narratives, simply a correct understanding of the history and philosophy of the liberal movement.

    I highly doubt you know enough about liberalism to even say what the philosophy cares about at its core.

    I wish it surprised me that liberals don’t even know what liberalism is, but I’ve been involved in political debates for far too long.

  • Since I can’t be bothered I had Chatgpt generate a response

    Understanding conservatism as a subset of liberalism requires a nuanced view of the historical and philosophical development of these ideologies. Initially, these terms might seem contradictory, but under a broader definition of liberalism, conservatism can be considered a variant or an offshoot.

    Liberalism, in its broadest historical sense, refers to a range of ideas centered around the importance of individual liberty, the rule of law, and, often, limited government. This broad category emerged during the Enlightenment and was instrumental in shaping the modern Western political and social order. Classical liberalism, in particular, emphasizes individual freedom, economic freedom, and minimal state intervention.

    Conservatism, while often positioned in opposition to liberalism (especially in its progressive or social liberal forms), can be seen as a subset of liberalism in the context of this broader historical perspective. This view holds when considering that conservatism in Western political thought often shares with liberalism a commitment to certain fundamental principles such as the rule of law, individual rights (although conservatism places a stronger emphasis on communal values and traditions), and, frequently, the free market.

    However, conservatism diverges from liberalism in its emphasis on tradition, authority, and often a skepticism of rapid social change. Conservative liberalism, or liberal conservatism, is a term used to describe ideologies that blend liberal values (like economic freedom) with conservative stances (such as an emphasis on traditional social structures).

    In summary, while conservatism and liberalism are distinct in their traditional definitions and core philosophies, conservatism can be viewed as a subset of liberalism in the context of a broader, historical understanding of liberalism. This perspective sees both ideologies sharing some fundamental values but differing significantly in their approach to tradition, social change, and the balance between individual rights and communal responsibilities.