• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Yeah, as much as I make fun of the alt-right and their dumb culture war bullshit, some of the Gen Z on the left end of the spectrum are so willing to cast out all allies just because they detect one iota of dissent from a rapidly moving set of expectations, esp. when it comes to things like trans.

    And it’s fracking dangerous. I look at what happened to the discussion forums on Boing Boing as an example of this. The assumption is that anyone not in the upper echelon of the oppression olympics intersectional game has to shut up and just listen to any opinion of someone in a certain set of groups, just because. Meaning, if you are white or male or both and cishet or xtian, then your opinion is worthless, unless you just repeat verbatim what one of the blessed members says. And even then, you might be accused of appropriating their arguments or being a white savior or whatever.

    If they think that is any semblance of normal, or the way to fight fascism, build coalitions, or win elections, they are completely deluding themselves. If it was only places like Boing Boing it might be one thing. Unfortunately, that is just a very public example of it…

    Oh, and same sentiments on the Gaza thing. What Israel is doing there is beyond belief in horribleness, but checking out or voting against Biden would make it far worse. What people that say “voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil” fail to see is that the alternative is getting even MORE evil than otherwise…