Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani blamed Barack Obama — the nation's first Black president — for a deterioration of race relations in the United States.
On his Sunday radio program, Giuliani called Democrats "the party of slavery."
"These miserable anti-American leaders of the party of slave...
I thought crazy pillow dude was the cybersecurity expert. He hosted those cyber symposiums after all. Clearly he must know something us lowly IT folks don’t.
Speaking of which, did he ever pay out that 5 million dollar prize for the guy who proved his election interference data was literally garbage files?
Last I knew, no. But I haven’t kept up with the case:
I can’t imagine being so utterly convinced you have something that you’d offer a prize you don’t intend to pay for proving it false, AND THEN NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO VERIFY IT IS WHAT YOU SAY IT IS. I imagine someone sold him the data under false pretenses, because if Mike knew it was bullshit he might not have offered the prize. If that is the case, I wish that scammer all the best.
My favorite part- the money he owes goes to a Trump voter. Even that guy knew it was bullshit.
There’s also a chance he just grabbed some random files himself, declared they proved it, and thought that since he had no idea how to show or disprove that, no one else would be able to. The whole conspiracy mindset really leans into the “there’s no way to know for sure” aspects of reality and projects that in many areas where it doesn’t apply because general knowledge isn’t enough to figure it out.
Though the worst part is they can do this because there’s many cases where “experts” have abused the trust that used to be put in the scientific community, such as the ones behind the tobacco industry funded smoking safety studies.