The US representative at the UN, Robert Wood, has said that they wouldn’t support an immediate ceasefire.

“While the United States strongly supports a durable peace, in which both Israelis and Palestinians can live in peace and security, we do not support calls for an immediate ceasefire.”

“This would only plant the seeds for the next war because Hamas has no desire to see a durable peace,” he told the UN Security Council.

The US is one of the permanent members which has the right to veto resolution.

    11 months ago

    Yeah but the alternative any individual power being able to argue all the others are ganging up on it and withdrawing

    That exact scenario is what killed the league of nations, Germany, Italy, and Japan all invoked accusations of being singled out before withdrawing and becoming rogue states in the leadup to WWII.

    There does need to be some reforms, India, Pakistan, Germany, Brazil, Nigeria, Japan, and at least a few others need to be added to the SC for example as full members, for either economic, demographic, millitary technical, or some combination thereof making them unignorable factors on the geopolitical stage.

    There also needs to be a requirement that UNSC members are obligated to provide a contribution of aid in the form of material support or volunteers up to a certain margin. UNSC membership should carry responsibility to go along with the power, and tying UN aid directly to an extraction from the world’s powers makes taking aim at those resources for your own agenda a MUCH more dangerous prospect.

    With enough larger powers in the room, would Israel be willing to bet that every single one of them would back down from retaliation if it turned out that the UN refugee camp you just bombed now has a foreign national casualty list from all the world’s biggest players? America might not be sending a carrier over dead US citizens, but I’m not so sure Brazil and India won’t be calling for Netenyahu’s head if he killed anyone they sent to the aid camps.