• 4 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Yeah but the polls didn’t significantly falter, they’re still statistically tied with only a margin of error shift since the debate.

    This isn’t an organic moment of partisan reconsideration. It’s being pushed by the same folks who were already loudly and obnoxiously telling us about how they don’t like Joe and threatening to vote protest or skip voting because, shock of shocks, nobody primaried the sitting president and risk sowing division right before an election where the other candidate is Hitler’s inbred pet mango.

  • Horse Race reporting, it’s literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.

    But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he’s worse than he is you’re “not understanding the median voter’s struggles”

    We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMildred
    1 day ago

    I mean I want to name my first son Abe, but that’s because it was my grandfather’s americanized name (Ibrahim)

    I think some geriatric sounding names are still respectable sounding enough to stand as good names for kids today. Dot and Conny I think would be good ones for girls and those are nicknames for Dorothy and Constance.

  • 99% of what he’s doing is using his own past traumas as a tool to prevent similar traumas from happening to other children.

    If you can’t see your batman comforting a dying child in her last moments, you don’t have batman, you have the punisher in a funny hat.

    Stop commenting on the punisher in a funny hat and telling us you’re talking about the guy with the best track record in comics for rehabilitating rogue’s gallery members if not completely then to the point of finding a place in society where they can live their peace, save maybe for the flash, depends on how much of his rogue’s gallery by mass is currently evil speedsters.

  • President Harris and Vice President Jefferies

    Anything else means instant constitutional crisis, but at the same time, we’ll be able hear the explosions from space as right winger minds absorb that circumstance has brought about the first female president and also the first PoC President Vice President team.

    If Kamala was good at trolling she’d not nominate any white people to the cabinet so we can all enjoy fox pundits trying to find the magic combination of words that let them be mad about an all PoC cabinet without it being racist, but I’m pretty sure she’s at least going to keep Buttigieg on as Transit Czar since he’s been going at least hard enough to get HSR moving finally between LA and Vegas.