An Israeli air strike has hit al-Ahli hospital in Gaza City where thousands of civilians are seeking medical treatment and shelter from relentless attacks.

Gaza health ministry says at least 500 casualties in hospital blast. A UN-run school housing refugees also struck.

The attack comes a day before US President Joe Biden visits Israel, where he is expected to stress American support for the country.

A planned summit with President Biden in Jordan has been cancelled, the Jordanian government says.

Some 3,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since Hamas’s October 7 attack inside Israel, which has killed more than 1,400.

    11 months ago

    It’s been an extraordinary well documented tactic of the HAMAS… they teach children their highest calling they can achieve in life is to take the lives of Israelis through suicide attacks and to kill as many Israelis that they can by any violent means necessary. They push military caches into schools and hospitals that force civilian men, women, and children to risk their lives in order to gain access to essential humanitarian services which are already extremely limited. HAMAS literally will hold their own palestinians hostage in buildings that Israel intends to attack in order to intentionally maximize the civilian casualties.

    They rape and torture their prisoners. They murder homosexuals.

    All while constantly bombarding Israelis with rockets in order to force defensive counterstrikes from Israel. Randomly stabbing men, women, and children on the street with essentially no provocation.

    Hamas’ use of human shields in Gaza - NATO StratCom

    Palestinian leadership was literally aligned and allied to the Nazi party during WW2.

    So in truth, it’s not just tough to hold a moral high ground… It’s impossible when there is not even the faintest glimmer of conceptualizing what morality even is.

    HAMAS must be excoriated from the face of the planet and never allowed to reoccur again. For the peace and stability of the Palestinian people and for the world.

      11 months ago

      Palestinian leadership was literally aligned and allied to the Nazi party during WW2.

      This is a gross oversimplification, and a direct response to the anti-colonial sentiment of the middle east during the WWI - WWII era. They aligned with the Axis powers because they wanted independence, mostly from England & France.

      You are just sloppily shoe horning this historical “gotcha” without explaining any of the context in order to justify your subjective perspective about contemporary issues.

      You know what you are doing is trying to frame Palestinians as Nazi sympathizers in order to win the emotional propaganda war.

        11 months ago

        I provided data specifically to that point to allow anyone to read further… Looks like you skipped that step. You also skipped over the fact that I was specifically talking about the Palestinian leadership of that era, which I purposefully and intentionally differentiate from the Palestinian population as a whole. Most of the general population of Israelis and Palestinians are sick of the conflicts their leadership continuously escalate and in general, both sides would prefer to seek long term peace.

        You claim that I’m framing with our context… but it would appear you completely skipped the context provided and reframed critical components of the data that was provided to fit your own bias.

      11 months ago

      Here’s some other interesting historical context from another poster @chaogomu regarding the inter-war and post war period as well as Netanyahu’s ties to what can best be described as the Jewish ultra-nationalist / supremacist organization Lehi. I take no credit for this information, but felt it was important to add to this discussion.

      Netanyahu’s political party, the Likud, were partially founded by members of Lehi. Including the first Likud Prime Minister.

      Lehi was a Zionist Terrorist organization in Mandatory Palestine. Their main operations were political assassinations of any leader who supported the British, or opposed their ideal of a Jewish ethno-state. This included Jewish and Palestinian leaders.

      They also took part in a few massacres of Palestinians, including raping women before killing them.

      But the meat of this tangent is what they did during WW2. See, they really hated the British. So much so that they made multiple overtures to join WW2 on the side of the Nazis. They kept trying to join in until 1942. (and only stopped when the founder of Lehi died)

      Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia talking about Lehi;

      According to Yaacov Shavit, professor at the Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv University, articles in Lehi publications contained references to a Jewish “master race”, contrasting the Jews with Arabs who were seen as a “nation of slaves”.[47] Sasha Polakow-Suransky writes that “Lehi was also unabashedly racist towards Arabs. Their publications described Jews as a master race and Arabs as a slave race.” Lehi advocated mass expulsion of all Arabs from Palestine and Transjordan,[48] or even their physical annihilation.[49]

      Netanyahu’s early political career was directly mentored by former members of Lehi. It’s why he sabotaged the peace talks in the 90s.

      Link to @chaogomu’s original comment:[email protected]/t/548452/-/comment/3024238

        11 months ago

        For what it is worth, today Netanyahu is exceptionally unpopular among more secular Israelis.

        Additionally Lehi, is only one example of Israelis organizations that have committed terroristic atrocities against Palestine over the years. The Kach, and later Kahane Chai are examples of Israeli terrorist organizations with similar objectives as well… At least they were, until the Biden administration decided to remove their terrorist designation last year. The Jewish Defense League which committed attacks against Americans in the 80’s is another.

        Plenty of awful in the world to go around…