More than 15,000 people in Arizona have registered to join a new political party floating a possible bipartisan “unity ticket” against Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

While that’s less than the population of each of the state’s 40 largest cities, it’s still a number big enough to tip the presidential election in a critical swing state. And that is alarming people trying to stop Trump from winning the White House again.

The very existence of the No Labels group is fanning Democratic anxiety about Trump’s chances against an incumbent president facing questions about his age and record. While it hasn’t committed to running candidates for president and vice president, No Labels has already secured ballot access in Arizona and 10 other states. Its organizers say they are on track to reach 20 states by the end of this year and all 50 states by Election Day.

    1 year ago

    They really aren’t Fascists. Hey, I did a 14 point analysis on the two parties! Here’s the summary: 1: Powerful and Continuing Nationalism: R***, D*. 2: Disregard for Human Rights: R***, D* 3: ID of Enemies as Unifying Cause: R***, D* 4: Supremacy of the Military: R**, D** 5: Widespread Sexism: R***, D 6: Controlled Mass Media: R***, D* 7: Obsession with National Security: R***, D* 8: Religion and Government Intertwined: R***, D 9: Corporate Power Protected: R***, D*** 10: Labour Power Suppressed: R***, D* 11: Disrespect of Arts and Intellectuals: R***, D* 12: Obsession with Crime and Punishment: R***, D* 13: Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: R***, D* 14: Fraudulent Elections: R***, D*

    I go into lots of detail about why I award the stars (*) above. Zero Stars means I think the party is actually really damn good about this topic. One star means they have some problems but are otherwise fair. Two means they have a real problem with this, despite making some headway on righting it. And 3 stars means they aren’t even bothering to do anything about it and are in Hitler/Mussolini levels of devotion to Fascist ideals. As you can see, I ranked the Republicans 3 Stars on everything, with the Dems really only joining the Reps when it comes to protecting corporate interests.

    What do you rank the Dems on this list, and more importantly, why? I mean, if you asked the Republicans, Dems hate the US and want to see it fail, so they’d not get any points for 1, 4, 7 or 8, and, according to Republicans, we’re all baby-eating, baby-f***ing Satan worshippers, so the only religion we want intertwined with government is Satanism, but we all hate Christians, so we can’t be guilty of 8. I’d be interested to see your take of how the Dems match the 14 characteristics of Fascism. Maybe we’ll learn something about you here.

      1 year ago

      This is a hard comment to read on my end, because the asterisks are being used for italics and bolds, and the single line breaks don’t cause a line break in the displayed text

      1 year ago

      I mean your own analysis proves that other posts point. The Dems are fascist as well, just not as overt.