The same day Taylor Swift posted a message encouraging her followers to register to vote, over 35,000 people reportedly made a “Run (Taylor’s Version)” to do so on saw record-breaking traffic to our site this week as we celebrated National Voter Registration Day, a highly encouraging sign of voter enthusiasm especially among newly eligible voters. Time and time again young people are showing up and demonstrating they care about their rights and access to the ballot box,” Andrea Hailey, CEO of said in a release.

The American multi-genre singer-songwriter’s post also linked to the organization’s website, according to the release. In the Instagram post, Swift called on her army of fans, also known as “Swifties” to “[r]egister to vote in less than 2 minutes” via the nonprofit’s site.

    1 year ago

    this is the lamest reputation laundering I’ve ever seen

    she has several hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate during a housing crisis and she owns a private jet during a climate crisis. She is directly responsible for hundreds of deaths by pathologically excessive emissions and hoarding, and she will be responsible for hundreds more. Her net worth is $740 million, if she actually cared she could slap together a canvassing campaign to get a million people registered for one percent of her net worth, or she could just buy a couple senate seats for barely any more. But she doesn’t, because this is advertising that didn’t cost her a cent and only took a single tweet.

    Don’t fall for it.