I cannot, for the life of me, understand liquids. If something says 10m head lift, that means it can go up 10m, right? RIGHT? it doesn’t. It stalls on a 4m foundation. I’m so frustrated. I shove pumps everywhere and still nothing works. I even have 2 pipes next to each other but one works and the other doesn’t! ARRRGGHHHH
I’m JUUUUUUUUUST about to package everything and conveyor belt it.
Got to remember to look at the c/ before having a WTF moment.
I was like, my dude water you know one of the essential things keeping you alive is a liquid.
always fun being a tourist. you never know what you will encounter
Same. I was gonna be like: Okay bro you know how you are kinda squishy…?
Lol lol