I spoke with more than 50 insurance experts, patients, lawyers, physicians and consumer advocates about building a tool anyone could use to navigate insurance appeals. Nearly everyone said the same thing: Great idea. But almost impossible to do.
While not always true, keep in mind as Doctor will likely lean towards things your insurance will actually pay for.
I’ve been recommended allergy medications and prescribed allergy medications for years. Anything beyond that I’m pretty sure the insurance won’t pay for. I’m pretty sure I paid out of pocket just to get a damn Allergy test.
It could still be the Doctor, don’t get me wrong. But don’t count out the insurance.
While not always true, keep in mind as Doctor will likely lean towards things your insurance will actually pay for.
I’ve been recommended allergy medications and prescribed allergy medications for years. Anything beyond that I’m pretty sure the insurance won’t pay for. I’m pretty sure I paid out of pocket just to get a damn Allergy test.
It could still be the Doctor, don’t get me wrong. But don’t count out the insurance.