Views on this have changed in recent years, according to Pew Research Center surveys. In 2019, 57% said people overlooking racial discrimination was the bigger problem, while 42% pointed to people seeing it where it really didn’t exist. That gap has narrowed from 15 to 8 percentage points.

  • When I was younger I didn’t give a shit and would speak to anyone and everyone but now after years of being told I am racist I find myself not speaking to or very carefully choosing my words before speaking to anyone that is not white. So in the end the constant accusations have turned me racist because I am changing my words and actions based on race.

    I’m in my 50s. When I became aware that many PoC might have reason to view my actions differently than intended, I took that as a sign to be mindful of my biases, and to think about the possibility that I could be using words and phrases that I grew up believing to be fine, but which could be hurtful to the people around me.

    To my knowledge, I’ve never been labeled a racist.

    You do you though.