• pummeled by cops with fists to their heads (with metal gloves),

    well, there your entire argument falls apart, because german Cops don’t have metal gloves. I invite you to prove to me and the world, that what the Article said is true, and german police mistreats detainees.

    Aljazeera has as much integrity as CNN

    lmao. You mean that aljazeera, that does no fact-checking, reports on rumours and hearsays, extensively uses framing and sometimes even disinformation to push a narrative is somehow comparable to CNN, a globally recognized News organization? this is so wrong on so many Levels. Aljazeera is at the best comparable to Fox News if anything.

    • febra@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      because german Cops don’t have metal gloves

      Plastic gloves, whatever. Hard gloves. You can see them on video. Getting hit in the face by those isn’t pleasant any other way. It’s also interesting how you don’t address any valid criticism at all but just try to do casual hasbara “explaining yourself around”

      and sometimes even disinformation to push a narrative is somehow comparable to CNN

      Lol, the same CNN that made IDF propaganda videos about the supposed “HAMAS CONTROL CENTER” and “Hamas using hospitals as fighting positions” where they filmed a backpack with a gun behind AN MRT MACHINE. And even the same CNN that back in the day lied about WMDs in Iraq. Yes, they are very, very comparable in integrity. Get off your high horse here

      • I invited you to show me proof in my Comment. Yet you didn’t show me any Proof, not even the Video you apparently have.

        So allow me to draw my conclusions: You don’t have any proof or Video to show. You are lying and wasting our time here.

        So please let me reiterate my Statement: The claims in aljazeera are false and it is spreading misinformation in order to push its own Agenda. Nobody should ever Link to it as a credible source for anything.

        • febra@lemmy.world
          7 months ago

          Go check the other guy’s reply with videos of cops assaulting peaceful protesters. He replied to you specifically and you replied back, so there’s absolutely no chance you haven’t seen those videos.