3d printed threads and snap connectors are nice, but M3 bolts and nuts are more robust and look dope. They also make the model easier todesign print, since you don’t have to worry about tolerances as much.
STEP/STL and instructions available here: www.printables.com/model/548770-master-spool
Was going to do that but kinda broke rn and my SO is already complaining about the amount of filament :). Please send me a link on printables if you do it.
Most refills follow the master spool standard anyway. Esun just had to be special.
I got 2 spools of inland and a couple i got from a generic brand on taobao, I’m pretty sure both are non-standard as well. The last spool I printed off printables had a really nice table with dimensions for a bunch of different filament brands if you’re curious
Master spool standard ftw. Fiberlogy is definitely compatible if you’re curious.