• 108 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Oh, so more like you are asking how actualized are your kinks?

    More like, are kinks a facet of functional thought. I think they are. The way an AI models roleplays also defaults to this pattern.

    People seriously get bent out of shape over this, but I can’t get past the idea that so many people among the elite went to Epstein’s island. I support the cultural taboo against kids and pedophilia BTW. The fact that Epstein was a thing says a whole lot about society, human nature, and the real underlying statistics. Everything I look at seems to point to certain personalities having specific proclivities in common.

    We are still products of our environment, so people that have social pressures pushing them into self suppression can be volatile.

    I can turn my sex drive on and off a will, but off only lasts a few weeks to a month. Otherwise daily service needed at a minimum.

    Of course, like most things, my real world kink is meta; exploring my partner’s kinks and experience. It has been a very long time since I’ve been able to practice but whatever. It was never about me in the first place, so I mind less about being alone now. I would likely hurt myself anyways because chronic damage to the thoracic spine is weird. I know I would likely try too hard and push my physicality too far. I’m so much more self aware than I was in my late twenties. It would be fun to explore what level of nuance I am capable of perceiving and responding to. I can become anyone or play any role when required, if I am given the time to mull over the role.

    I can be mildly amused by things like power dynamics, but my empathy is always on the edge of concerned. I probably like breaking the rules themes most just because it harkens back to my highschool days. These are elements that can get my attention, or make me smile, but are not like an effective call to action. A lover saying she wants to explore, or just play my little games of teasing, thrilling, and applying every bit of my attention to her on every level I can attend to, that is my biggest call to action. I want to play and make someone feel a little better than last time in a tangible way. It is like playing an instrument. I’m looking for my magnum opus in every attempt. I can be chill, or quick if needed. I’ll add some flair, but my favorite is to attempt to play every instrument in the symphony all at the same time with music in the style to suit the listener. I both have no kinks, and have all the kinks at the same time… Quantum cat sex…I guess that is my style… Schrödy kink? Gives a new facet to getting physical.

  • You’ve got to do some manual config. I know about it but don’t use it. You can redirect home folders with the container in the distrobox create flags. I think the better option is to use the user/groups/SELinux context in addition to the container as this will show up in ownership and is more easy to trace. One of my main problems is how packages have Python installation requirements that by default try to break pip out of any containerized context and create their own venv setup. It totally screws up the whole distrobox container setup and separation from the base system.

  • So you would put more people as kinky because you think most are repressing very dark shit? Maybe, but seems like most people I know kind of don’t care that much about sex, if that makes sense. If it’s more like violence that just sometimes finds a sexual outlet, is that even kinky?

    Everyone has the same basic hormonal needs as humans. Every human must balance these needs on some level. This is the lowest foundational level of everything I see and understand about sexuality. All forms of sexual expression are roads on a map that lead back to here. Therefore, everyone is traveling on this road map. Some people may be on Obvious Kinky Street or Furry Lane, but everyone is on one of these paths, even if it is on some super secret side street out of view, and one they walk in circles on for their entire lives. The amount of travel and exploration vary greatly, but it is all within the spectrum of the roads and connections on this map. Dark shit happens because of mental health issues, but also because we heavily stigmatize many connections present on this map or straight up deny that some roads exist. Basically, kinks are one manifestation of sexual intelligence and self awareness.

    I think most people are kinky because the roads are connections and are fundamentally present. They are on the map even when they do not know about it or acknowledge it. It is very easy for such persons to get unexpectedly lost in places they are not familiar. They tend to travel the wrong way on one way streets or step into some innocent person on their own path. Some asshats plow through an intersection in a school zone with a kid in the crosswalk.

    As an example, if a person really likes dominance for arousal, they should be playing in BDSM with like minded consenting participants, not encountering someone on a lonely street at night and taking advantage of an opportunity.

    I view the fundamental factor in common as a dominance kink and the person that openly acknowledges and explores this kink as sexually intelligent. However the fundamental kink of power dynamics is a core part of some functional thought and a type of person. The extent of the trait varies, but it is a part of all people with this type of functional thought. The spectrum of my “7-10” is a measure of self awareness and the intention is largely their degree of proclivity. If the person is suppressing a large proclivity and finds themselves getting lost on the wrong road, I view them as extreme in their kinks even if they appear asexual on the surface to others. They lack self awareness and familiarity with the map and are like a wrecking ball in a China shop. In a prudish society, there are a lot of these wrecking balls that are bottled and suppressed; far more than those with psychosis as active predators.

  • I see a spectrum of minds; not the toys, genders, or fixations. I also see a nearly inescapable addiction that must be managed by everyone. When I ask myself "why this or that kink," it is the spectrum of motivations and mind of the underlying individual that really determines where the person lies in some sense of extremities of measure against other humans. I find people's sense of self awareness in this space as interesting; their self perception at something that is ultimately nothing more than health and addiction management in the human condition.

    I rate myself a 7 because I know there are limits to my self awareness like blind spots in complex ways along with most of the areas where I must be careful. Like my size and strength do not always match the person I am inside. I can both intimidate and cause harm if I am not careful. Someone that asks to go hard might get a bit more than they bargained for. It’s not really my thing, but exploring the full scope of their thing is, and therein lies the potential problem.

    In my opinion, far more people are 7-10 even when they are ultra conservative and vanilla in their exploration of sexuality. The evidence is in those that have records of harm, and had unexpected encounters that lead to a series of very poor decisions. To me, these are the most dangerous individuals with the most extreme perversions. Those that know themselves and enjoy a thrill, are completely normal, harmless, and of absolutely no concern to me. This does not mean that I directly correlate a scale of perversion with a general potential for harm. I view the the individual’s self awareness and intent as the critical dimensions. Only they can truly know these aspects of themselves. I can infer much, but it takes time. So for the most part I simply lack the relevant data to make judgements about anyone. People with self proclaimed extreme interests, are like athletes in extreme sports. I see the real extremes as those that lack self awareness or those that have never matured to a point of developing their own internal sense of ethics outside of social constructs like religion. These are like obese people that are unhealthy and the real potential danger.

  • I would only do a Prusa if you want a tool that just works and will work in the future. I don't regret my MK3 at all. I do regret a little KP3 Kingroon. I just never use it. It is cheap and a decent deal in a budget printer. The thing is, the whole hardware spec mindset and budget printers are not a path to the same place or end game. Everyone I know that buys a bottom tier printer, sticks with it, and actually prints owns several budget printers. Almost everyone that talks about how great one is, spends a bunch of time fiddling with it and almost always has several of these machines, of which one is ever working.

    I got the Prusa first, and only got the Kingroon to try out klipper, modding, and determine if I wanted to build a Voron. A Voron 2.4 is great for a machine designed specifically for ABS. I know ABS extremely well from all of my years painting cars when almost all trim parts and bumper covers are made of the stuff. At one point, I considered making prototype and rare automotive parts using a Voron 2.4. If you do not know, the 2.4 has a totally stationary bed, and a core x/y like print head that moves inside a rigid cube. The actual print head rises with each layer, unlike a Core X/Y where the bed is lowered with each layer. This keeps the air around the print as still as possible which is absolutely critical for large ABS prints that have thickness variations in the walls and thin structures. Even in a good heated temperature controlled enclosure most printers struggle with this kind of print. I’ve made many iterations of tuned wall thicknesses to make large ABS prints work on my MK3 in a totally sealed enclosure.

    This is my point, if you’re going to buy a project printer, buy one that is for some special niche. I spent most of my life learning this lesson the hard way: “there is nothing more expensive than being cheap/poor.” Buying anything twice costs more than doing it right the first time, and the physical cost neglects all of your time as worthless. There is a major fallacy in the assumption that hardware specifications count for anything of value. Unless you are an embedded hardware developer that somehow does not value your time, the hardware specifications are an irrelevant joke. The level of development that has gone into dialing a setup as well as a (well aged) Prusa is not trivial. You can’t just roll a marlin config and get comparable results. This software blind spot almost always results in the person playing with a perpetual printer project instead of a tool they actually use for useful stuff. That is a perfectly acceptable hobby if that is what you are looking for. My advice is that I do not regret buying the tool first and having something that will just work for the rest of your life. If you want a printer project, that is what you get for your second machine.

  • Identifying ones comfort zone is healthy for self awareness. Everyone has a comfort zone. The legality and external judgements of others are irrelevant to the question. The scale given does ground the question to cultural norms in an attempt to build a more translatable reference, but externalization is not the intended spirit of the question, nor is this some request to share one’s kinks or reasoning. It is really a question of how one views their self awareness internally. In a way, this is a more accurate measure of an individual’s conservatism internally.

    In abstract, everyone has an answer to this question. This is not intended to offend, or in any way judge anyone. Feel free to object or abstain, but I did not ask the question to judge you or guilt you in any way; quite the opposite really.

  • Intuitively, when I have handled molten metals, they are deceptively heavy and viscous. There is very little time when they are in a mushy slushy state or like Taffy in the way that glass behaves. I thought, perhaps if the pool of molten metal were somehow suspended in an environment without gravity, it might be possible to apply glass blowing techniques for shaping.

    I know centrifugal casting is a thing and used a lot by gold smiths in jewelry making. It was just a moment of curious imagination this morning thinking perhaps someone one day in the future might manually work metal in space like how glass in worked on Earth. I’ve been thinking about how things might be manufactured differently in a distant future when most of humanity lives in cislunar space habitats. This post was just a half curious passing shower thought.

  • With Linux over the years, I have learned to ignore all hardware marketing as (basically) scammers. The supporting software is the important part. If the software is not open source, the product is only available to rent and likely includes or has the potential to become an extortion scam of subscription parasites. When I shop for products now, I do so by searching for the open source software first. Once I find a large project with several contributors, I git clone the repo and then I run an app called gource on the command line. Gource creates a 3d visualization of the project over time and its commit history. Have a look at the Linux kernel some time or just watch a video of someone that has uploaded the visualization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iFnzr73XXk

    With the actual visualization, you can zoom in and select the individuals or watch branches specifically. The trick is to get an idea of who the main contributors are in the various spaces and how consistent they are. Find who is working on what hardware and how they are working on it. Some times you’ll see a person comes in and only makes a single commit or a few that contain everything for a device and then they disappear. These are often subcontracted devs that a company hires and gives a checklist. Issues, bugs, and unsupported features are unlikely to get fixed unless you see someone else that is making commits in this space. What you’re really looking for is one of the main project devs that makes ongoing commits to some specific hardware over longer amounts of time and fairly recently. It means they have the device in question. That generally means the device has or will have excellent support in the long term. It also generally means the person either really liked the product or the company is smart enough to supply the dev with the device or supporting documentation.

    Sorry if this seems unsolicited. It took me a long time to break out of the hardware spec shopping fallacy and all of the troubles it can cause. Prioritizing true ownership and shopping for the software first is a far more enjoyable life experience. It likely won’t help in this niche, but for computers in general use: https://linux-hardware.org/

    You will likely find that search engines attempt to obfuscate this information. Expect that. Use offline open source LLM’s, ask the community, or more advance searching methods to find relevant info. Both m$ and the goo are the two biggest beneficiaries of the proprietary software ecosystem and they are the only two web crawlers that exist at relevant scale. All search engines use one or both of these sources either directly or by proxy.

  • I have an HP laser printer from like 1992, before they turned to US=Privateers; rest-of-the-world=criminal pirates. HP died as a company when they spun off Agilent/Keysight as test equipment and continued the branding for contract manufactured consumer garbage. HP does not make anything. They market, place stickers on what others manufacture, and create ponzi scheme-like extortion scams, as the shriveled shell of a dying husk disconnected completely from their now long irrelevant past.

  • TBH: tl;dr (…but read ~1/4 and skimmed the rest.)

    Emacs can likely do most, if not all, of what you’re looking for.

    As far as distros, go with either Fedora Workstation or Silverblue. If you can run SB, try to avoid messing with the base system as much as possible, skip using the toolbox containers system and just use distrobox. With distrobox, you have almost all Linux distros available as containers, so you build on them. The only exception I know of is NIX. You can’t run NIX in distrobox. You probably could run the NIX package manager, but that involves this weird setup where a user owned directory exists in / root. Personally, this is just too weird for me to use it. I expect all user activity and configuration files to be confined to /home/$USER/

    Fedora just works, but try and lag behind the release cycle a little bit. Like right now F40 is pretty solid, but there were some issues in the first month or so after F40 first came out. I have lagged in every release since ~F28 and never had issues. I switched to F40 within the first week or so and a few packages were wonky. Basically Python was super fresh and did some odd stuff with containers where it did not work without manually removing and replacing Python in each container. I think that was the only manual intervention issue I’ve had with Fedora. I have a 3080Ti laptop with the 16 GB GPU. The Anaconda system in Fedora builds the Nvidia kernel module automatically in the background each time the kernel is updated. It works flawlessly, even with secure boot enabled.