Tonight, Thursday, March 7th, is the State of the Union Address so lets keep everything related to it (including the Republican response) confined to this thread.

This is probably one of the most important speeches Biden can give this year. He has to come across as “Present”, not just “President”.

This will set the tone for the campaign the rest of the year and will be second only to the Democratic Convention speech in August for visibility.

Watch it live here:

Or through your favorite news source.

The Republican response will be delivered by Senator Katie Britt of Alabama:

Very good speech!

Full transcript is here:

Republican response from Katie Britt here:

I encourage you to watch the video and not just read the transcript. Reading it doesn’t carry just how breathless and borderline weepy her delivery is.

    8 个月前

    Interesting about Star Trek as a way to deal with anxiety about bad outcomes :). My Trek love helps me too but more with giving me a nearly imperceptible glimmer of hope for humanity.

    (I wasn’t sure if I was a true Trekkie but now that I’ve been catching up on all the post-Voyager shows I guess I must be because I love all of it… I mean I even found things to like about ST V, so… Lol). Anyway …

    But yeah you may be onto something about people either losing the ability—or maybe the will—to dream of something better. Once you get discouraged enough, it is hard to bother dreaming.

    If you spend enough time online steeped in endless doomerism, with no talk of action or organization or anything, learned helplessness inevitably sets in. Sort of by definition, you stop dreaming. Which is why my recent Trek binges have been so helpful.

    I should add that meds and introspection have helped a lot with the anxiety and imagining the worst outcomes. Now I do it without getting twisted up in knots and it serves me vs the other way around. But I could still stand to imagine good outcomes more often.

    Anyway I appreciate the dialog! You’re a good egg. :) Hope to run into you again in the Lemmyverse before long.