Live coverage thread of the International Court of Justice and the case of South Africa vs. Israel.

    8 months ago

    Except Hamas is the excuse and was never the real target. The real target are and always have been the Palestinian people.

    Perhaps it seems that way because of the popular support of Hamas and intifada in Palestine, the fact that Hamas is comprised of Palestinians, and because they hide among civilians to maximize collateral damage.

    The popularity of Hamas is a consequence of 70+ years of subjugation under control of the settlers. The genocide of Palestinians didn’t start 100+ days ago; it started with the Nakba.

    And why did the Nakba happen? All the jew murdering. Jews started out legally buying lands until they were murdered and genocided and ethnically cleansed by Arab nationalists and neighboring Arab countries allied with Palestine. It’s incredible you see the constant aggressors as the victims.

    This is what happened when the shoe was on the other foot:

    For the first time in 1,000 years not a single Jew remains in the Jewish Quarter. Not a single building remains intact. This makes the Jews’ return here impossible

    “The operations of calculated destruction were set in motion. I Knew that the Jewish Quarter was densely populated with Jewish populations who caused their fighters a good deal of interference and difficulty. I embarked, therefore on shelling of the quarter with mortars creating harassment and destruction. Only for days after our entry into Jerusalem, the Jewish Quarter become their graveyard. Death and destruction reigned over it. As the down of May 28th was about to break, the Jewish Quarter emerged in convulsive cloud-a cloud of death and agony”

    Yet somehow Israel is the bad guy and must be restrained, It is Israel who is genocidal for defending themselves, not the explicitly genocidal Hamas, not the constantly belligerent terrorists next door who target civilians and want to destroy Israel in whole in or in part.

      8 months ago

      And why did the Nakba happen? All the jew murdering.

      And that somehow justifies the displacement and genocide of the Palestinian people.

      Yet somehow Israel is the bad guy and must be restrained, It is Israel who is genocidal for defending themselves, not the explicitly genocidal Hamas, not the constantly belligerent terrorists next door who target civilians and want to destroy Israel in whole in or in part.

      Because it’s the Settlers that are commiting genocide.

        8 months ago
        • Starting a war and losing does in fact arguably justify annexation. Distance from those trying to murder you provides safety and security.
        • Peacefully living with Jews seems to have worked out pretty well for the Arabic 21% of Israel who stayed and currently enjoy full citizenship rights, it’s a shame those who left chose violence and continue to choose violence.
        • The only side that has committed genocide in this conflict or that to this day advocates for genocide in this conflict is the Palestinian side. I oppose genocide, which is why I stand with Israel.
      8 months ago

      Your quote from the Jordanian commander dates to after the Nakba. There was significant intercommunal conflict in Mandatory Palestine because of the mismanagement of Jewish migration by Britain, and escalating tensions from the “legal” land purchases you mentioned that had been occurring since the late 1800s. Yes, Jews attempted to purchase and settle uninhabited land, but the fact is big chunks of the land purchased were misappropriated under the Ottoman Land Code, and European Jews frequently expelled (by force if the implication wasn’t clear) the Arab Muslims they found living on it, who may have had no idea it was sold out from under them.