☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

  • 201 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 30th, 2020


  • I can say basic things in it now, but not exactly fluent yet. I tend to study 15-20 min every day with this app. It does a mix of vocabulary building, grammar, and pronunciation exercises. I want to get to the point where I have a bit of a base to start from, and then once I’m using it on day to day basis it should go smoothly from there.

    And it’s my fourth language, I’m fluent in Russian and English, and I used to be fluent in Czech, but haven’t used it in decades so forget most of it now. Mandarin is a very different experience though. In some ways it’s easier because you don’t have to deal with stuff like conjugation, and grammar is pretty straight forward. On the other hand, reading and writing takes a lot more work, and a lot of words sound similar or even the same while having completely different meanings. So, context becomes really important.

  • While the vid is talking about disk space, I find that the games are also getting way too big in terms of length with most of the game just being filler. This is especially true for open world games where there’s very little actual content to be had. Most of the game ends up being repetitive fetch quests, or grinding for levels with a handful of hours of actual story sandwiched in here and there. Once in a while you see a game that can genuinely justify its length, Last of Us series is a good example of this, but more often than not games feel long for the sake of being long. Another aspect I’ve come to resent is how games have to pile on different mechanics like crafting because it’s just what’s expected. A lot of the time it doesn’t really add anything and just forces you to do more scavenging quests.

    Nowadays, I pretty much exclusively play indie games precisely because they tend to be shorter and more focused. Sometimes less really is more. Viewfinder is the latest game I’ve played. It’s like 6-8 hours in length, and it’s just perfect.