• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Surely it depends on the definition of “close/near”, have they given detailed specifics or is that not public info?

    I mean you could argue that since these aren’t some intercontinental missiles, whatever is in their range, should be considered close?
    Alternatively you could say, anything that can hit Kharkiv is fair game which opens it up a bit and not limiting the launchers to be “near” Kharkiv to retaliate.

    Edit: seems like most of these articles are just reiterating the vague “close/near” and at most mention that US stance on long-range strikes has not changed.

  • Few more places to consider if you’re in lower mainland:
    Freshco/Chalo if you have the option over Safeway/IGA (same stuff, cheaper, though produce isn’t always super fresh).

    Langley farm market for produce is great, often good deals and competes with big chains on prices on said produce, meat, not so much other stuff (again limited access depending on where exactly you live unfortunately).

    I’d do Saveon only armed with price matching flyers or I’m after something very specific I can’t find elsewhere. Plus I’m not a huge fan of Jim Patisson or whichever carguy owns it.

    City avenue market is also pretty good for produce and the occasional offers for other stuff.

    Very location specific - if you like a good bread, check out European bakery in Poco, awesome rye that would cost you 3times as much in some “artisan” bakery and still cheaper than semi decent loaf from big chains.

    Edit-stupid autocorrect

  • Dethklok seems pretty safe.

    There isn’t all that much out there about Brendon Small though and what I could find he should be a decent enough person…plus I liked Metalocalypse quite a bit, so that helps me 😁

    Dunno much about Bryan Beller, Nili Brosh or Gene Hoglan, just saw a few random videos with them so hard to gauge.