• 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • For now, I have just saved it in my clipboard application, so I copy-paste.
    When it goes out of history, I just open a file, where I have saved it and copy from there. So it’s pretty crude.

    I was hoping that either the KDE Social web interface would add a “Signature” feature or I would pick some Lemmy application that would allow that, but for now it’s just this.

    Perhaps, if I feel like it’s being too frequent, I may set a compose key for it.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • Not every. The quick, very-low effort ones, I just leave.

    I saw another post with “Anti Commercial AI License”, then wen on to read the license and went, “Neat!”.

    • It makes it easier for anyone to decide what to do if they want to use my comment/post (in cases where it actually has something useful)
    • It makes life just a bit harder for people data-mining for AI
      • That way, some data entry worker will probably ask for a raise and probably even get it and maybe some entrepreneur going “AI everywhere!” will think twice.
      • Or there will be a chatbot spouting “Anti Commercial AI License” or “CC By-NC-SA” in their answer text, which would be hilarious.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • Except that there is. Alright, maybe not exactly, but…

    The whites that you see as white (in the other white parts which don’t seem red), are shifted like #E0F9F8. Notice the reduced reds there.

    The whites you see as red are shifted like #F9F9F7. This one, I’d probably call yellow, but you get the point, reduced blues. There’s probably a better example pixel in there and I just haven’t found it.

    The red pixels in the thumbnail, well, maybe JPEG downscaling? I can’t say, because I don’t know what downscaling algorithm is being used.

    So the parts you see as white, are actually bluish white in a sea of blue (Cyan is just mixtures of blue and green in case of RGB) and the part you see as red, are reddish white, in a sea or blue.

    Also, for those who don’t see red, don’t look straight at the image. Look at something near it, with the image in your peripheral vision and you’ll get what others are saying. But I guess that happened while you were reading the title.

  • Well, simply that, a false positive on the drive gets the whole Google account removed. Not just the drive access, but all your past mails (and the future mails you will receive because you are unable to tell others that you had to change your Mail ID), all other accounts you made using said ID become harder to access and same for other Google services (paid or not) that you might be using at that moment.

    And you can’t even send a user data retrieval request.

  • The real psychological pain comes from the realisation that your parent never really cared about your boundaries.
    They’ll even give your ITR account OTP to someone who will block you out from it and it will be your fault for trusting them with it, but I guess this example is too irrelevant.

    The teenage years are around the time when children start evaluating their own actions and start having their own personality (which is kinda related to the rebellious stage). They realise the power dynamic between them and their parent which they were until then not conscious about.
    It is the parents’ actions during this time that determines what their evaluation of the past power dynamic will be and so will be their decision of what relationship they will have with their parents once they are financially independent.

    So, whether or not the experience is traumatic, your future relationship with your child depends upon how much they care about who sees their pictures.

  • LEAN from the web:

    After each iteration, project managers discuss bottlenecks, identify waste and develop a plan to eliminate it.

    1st iteration:

    Project Manager A: Requiring approval of multiple Project Managers for the same thing is causing a bottleneck. So is having to wait for a specific manager for a specific topic.

    Resolution: Let all managers approve everything and need only a single manager’s approval.

    2nd iteration:

    Project Manager B: There are too many redundant managers. It’s a waste of resources.

    Resolution: Get rid of all mangers but one. Actually, let the engineers manage themselves.

    3rd iteration:

    Consensus: LEAN development is a scam though