• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Many of the recent protests about climate change have been less direct and more about stirring up controversy to force the public to actually think about their decisions.

    My hat off to them as so far this style of protest has been working and has resulted in many of us pushing for better climate control.

    You’re right this isn’t going to stop companies, but even if you disagreed with them it puts climate change in your conscious mind. Even if that simply means you’ll try to make slightly more climate friendly decisions moving forwards, that’s a win.

    Personally I don’t know if I agree with the technique, but I do feel like it has been working in terms of making people discuss this topic more.

  • I’m interested in the idea of selection adaptation and motorised vehicles, however I think selective adaptation takes much much much longer than motorised vehicles have been with us so far. We’re talking hundreds of years for selective adaptation to take affairs.

    I could be wrong about that though.

    The more likely adaptation reason currently is that we like over eating. Food used to be scarce, and when it was available you ate as much as you could or you died. The survivors of that scenario are the ones that made us, and as such we love eating lots when it’s there.

    I think our fascination with sweet foods makes sense from this perspective also. Our ancestors exposure to sweet foods were mostly fruit. Fruit would have improved their immune system significantly. Unfortunately we’ve since began mass producing sugar which doesn’t offer the same benefits, but our bodies are still set up to love that sweet taste.

    I’m rambling a bit, but there you go.

  • Yeah, as others have said here. My point was you don’t need to understand why. You just need to understand that it’s what makes that person feel complete and not pigeon hole them with everybody else.

    Who’s to say that the person that labels as a woman and a father is being offended? By assuming this person will be offended you’re labelling their personal feelings of who they are in to a stereotype.

    My interpretation of your comment suggests it sounds like you’re worried about offending. I think the best position is to be okay with the idea that you’re going to offend some people sometimes. If you do, you apologize and explain that you didn’t realise that what you were saying may be interpreted that way, and move on. If they want to push it further than that, then they’re being difficult (just because somebody is in a minority, doesn’t mean they’re “right”). Everyone needs to realise that we’re not actually all out to get one another, and just let these little misunderstandings go.

    Story time.

    A good example of this, in a different setting, is that I was at a BBQ a few weeks ago. A guy I know, somewhere between acquaintance and friend, said I can drink his beers from his cooler because mine were in the fridge inaide. As I drank more, I totally took advantage of this (inhibitions lowered and all that) and drank a load of his beers. The week after when I saw him again I said “sorry man, I think I drank all your beers last week”. He said “no worries. All good”. And we moved on.

    We do stuff that offends others all the time, and others do it to us. We just need to apologise when we realise and move on.