• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I have a Timex Computer 2068, a ZX Spectrum clone made my Timex Portugal. My dad bought it sometime in the 80s. I still turn it on from time to time, mostly out of nostalgia. That one is the oldest in my house. I was too young to remember it being bought but it had to be some time between 1985 or 1987.

    I also have the first model of the European Sega Master System made in 86 or 87 but I bought it second hand less than a year ago.

  • There’s a difference in something being not perfect and being fundamentally flawed. My confusion is because you perfectly verbalized why I think it’s flawed.

    I could understand being in favor of using nuclear temporarily until renewables are more reliable. I don’t agree but I understand the thought process. It’s a calculated risk, an acceptable gamble. But being aware of all the issues with nuclear and still be in favor of it long term, in my opinion, doesn’t make sense.

    Mind you, I’m not trying to attack you, I’m genuinely intrigued and curious.

  • Dude, you realize a nuclear meltdown releases far more nuclear poison than a nuclear bomb. It’s not about the immediate destructive potential.

    A nuclear winter would last at most a decade or two due to the dust thrown into the atmosphere by the explosions. A disaster like Chernobyl, while not even close in terms of destructive power, had the potential to release enough radiation to leave half of Europe uninhabitable for centuries, maybe even millenia. Chernobyl is still dangerous to this day while cities like Hiroshima and Nagasaki are thriving.

    And to think you could just abandon a nuclear power plant safely…

    You realize used nuclear fuel is extremely hot and still radiating heat and has to be cooled for a long time. You abandoned one without safety measures and the pools cooling the used fuel would just boil and evaporate. The water gone would no longer shield the radiation and you’d have a ton of radioactive material shitting poison into the atmosphere and meltdown.

    Some people don’t know shit about nuclear power and like to act condescending “it’s not like a nuclear bomb”. No, it’s far more dangerous. And all it takes is a couple of really bad accidents to ruin the planet. And Murphy’s law tells us those improbable accidents will happen eventually. That means with nuclear power, quick or slowly we are walking towards the abyss. When we reach it we fall and there’s no way out.

  • “Vote for Biden, or else”. Fear tactics at its best.

    He doesn’t have to “endure” anyone. His vote is his, that’s it. Deal with it.

    By the way, I’m 40. And the reason I tell you is because I’ve been listening for that “just this once” crap since I WAS 12.

    20 years ago Bush Jr. was the antichrist. Now…he was not that bad. Trust me, you can have worse than Trump. A competent one. On either party. And that mindset is bringing it closer everyday, you’re just too blind to see it.

    So be it. Every empire has to fall, I guess.

  • You attacked a member of the Green Party for not voting for Biden.

    You’d burn down all the third parties out of fear for Trump and then complain when the Democrat President doesn’t give a flying fuck about you.

    Say everyone votes for Biden to keep Trump out. Why would Biden care about you? Why would he care what you want in a candidate? Why would he even bother to earn your vote? You’ll vote for him as long as there’s a Trump.

    All you’re doing is making sure all candidates get worse and worse. You are saying loud and clear you’ll eat every bowl of shit and take everything up the ass as long as it’s not Trump giving it to you. You are begging to be fucked.