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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022


  • That is Capitalism in reality when the property owning elites cooperated with corrupted government officers and “non-profit” organizations to hoard the wealth of nations and use the hoarded wealth to dictate the reward and punishment of people according to their level of bootlicking to the rich 1% contrary to their alleged principle of minimal government intervention. Their willingness to oppose the invisible hand of the free market is that reason that they use the military to shoot down a crowd of peaceful protestors who demand meritocracy and accountability and the reason that they enforce heavy government intervention against the decision of the invisible hand of the free market to recruit scary red masterminds into key positions of Pax Americana to babysit the lazy Capitalists.

  • “Trust me! The ability of uneducated inexperienced children to engage in a successful enterpise despite their illegal working age indicated the success of the sole Capitalist superpower and the success of countries that only received the label of Capitalism from their economic success despite their lack of plutocratic command economy! Also, you should assume that the ability to start successful enterprise by uneducated elderly people with no funding in Venezuela during the series of recessions under Maduro’s governance indicated the failure of Socialism and not of Marxist principle to adjust policies to the local material conditions.”

  • The Western European diaspora still justify the abduction of Indigenous children, imprisonment of children in fake school death camps, federal reserve concentration camps, property right violations, plagiarism, and authoritarianism against Indigenous people. They also claim that thief of the fruit of your labor and planned starvation are “freedom” to victims of fake school death camps.

  • Is Canadian government doing this to pretend that they had not continued the land thief of Indigenous people in their own country to created “national parks”? If they continued their fake “Truth and Reconciliation” that lied that the Indian Residential fake school war crimes are not more severe than “cultural genocide” and that boost about the savage Satan-worshiping channibalistic indoctrination in the fake school death camps that secretly continued after 1998, than the True God of Christianity will complete the conquest of the European immigrants by the social Liberals and new immigrants of colors. The unrepentant European immigrants and their descendents would become marginalized groups that will suffer the same planned racism that they practice in the pretense of “discipline” like planned poverty, thief, plagiarism, concentration camps, assault, slavery, rape, slander, false accusation, scapegoating, and all other war crimes that the Nazi copied from the British diaspora.

  • I had known that housing prices in Canada is having extreme increase, but I had not suspected that there are countries of Western European diaspora that had less severe problems with housing price increase. Is the massive housing price increase from the mass import of immigrants of color to replace the recently depleted supply of Aboriginal first nation child slaves in Indian Residential fake schools that operated in secret after 1997 and stolen inheritance of first nation children who were abducted into slavery in the fake cultural assimilation policy? Does it has relation with the ease of monopoly in the landowning sector of Canada?

  • I am not surprised by the worship of Nazis by the Western European diaspora since they never condemn the Indian Residential fake school holocaust from 1850s to 1998 and secretly after 1998 that the Nazi imitated. The Western European diaspora only oppose the Nazi for the subjugation of the white people to the death camps and not the subjugation of the people of color in death camps across the Europen colonies and countries of European emigrants. Satanists (according to the biblical criteria) like Stephen Harper lied that the fake school holocaust were only “cultural genocide” to hide the growing evidences that the “Indian Residential Schools” are death camps in disguise. However, I am surprised that they openly display the worship of Nazi collaborators.

  • There are the Indian Residential fake school genocide that continued after the Cold War, the subjugation of communities of freed slaves, the Black Wall Street massacre, the Cold War massacre against a mass of peaceful workers who demand meritocracy on the excuse that human rights advocate are evil Soviet agents, and the current planned illegal dumping of hazardous landfills and industrial chemical waste (which contains components of the chemical weapons by British in WW1) onto to the lands of First Nations and African American communities to poison the water and food sources.

  • The victim of Communism who fled mainland China and later from Hong Kong after staging the 1989 false flag terrorism in China did made the complains that any actions against the freeriding by the Capitalist class will suddenly cause major economic recession despite the contradiction to their alleged meritocracy and the original Liberal principles from Adam Smith (1776). Contrary to the Liberal principle, the Liberals hypocritically demand government interference to kill workers who stage democratic mass strike for meritocracy in the British Steam Revolution, rob Indigenous land without consequence on the excuse that Indigenous people have no European-style document to prove land ownership, gain Cold War advantage through enslavement of First Nation children in fake schools where they also conduct unethical experimentation for health research and inheritance theif fraud. It is ironic how the Liberals who made the most complain about government intervention on the allegation that government intervention is bad are the one who advocate for the very government intervention that they complained about. Do the Liberals think that the recent redefinition of words like Capitalism from government by plutocratic oligarch to free market, Socialism from government by working class to command economy, and dictatorship from government in general to absolutism will make their Liberal ideology superior when they do not even know the core principles of their Liberal ideology?

  • I have a bachground information for at least certain population among the victim of communism as I am a child of the victim of communism. I come from an abusive ableist family who escaped from the communist to preserve the toxic oppressive authoritarian culture from the chinese warlord period. My grandparents are former members of the elite circle in the chinese warlord period from the first half of the 20th century and they fled mainland china for hong kong when the communist began to subjugate the warlords and unify china. My parents were born in hong kong and my grandparents and parents fled hong kong after they watch a video of a Tiananmen Square false flag terrorism by NATO where a butch of thugs in civilian clothes ram a military vehicle onto a crowd of protesters.

    As my family had never lived under Communist rule, they testimony about communist brutality is inconsistent and bizarre: they will claim that Chinese warlords are Communists and use the lives under chinese warlord rule as false examples of lives under communism; they claim that the toxic culture of the chinese warlord are chinese tradition and blame the chinese communist party for continuing the chinese warlord tradition.