Don’t come to Canada. If I was able to leave this country, I would. We have so many of the same problems as the US. I would go to Europe
Don’t come to Canada. If I was able to leave this country, I would. We have so many of the same problems as the US. I would go to Europe
Honestly I would take the little banner if it meant there was not comerical breaks. The fact that they do this on top of all the ads they also play at breaks is so over the top. I have been getting into European football and I find it so refreshing that they play 45 mins half straight through. It’s way faster games and there is not the disruption of comericals. In those games they have the banner, but I don’t mind it as much
Yeah, we almost voted these guys out a year ago. BC just had the NDPs come back onto power and I am hoping the same thing happens here in a few years. These conservatives are by for the worst politicians we have ever had and many Albertans know it.
It’s been great watching Ubisoft fail so spectacularly in the only thing big game companies seem to care about now, share price. It’s been a long time coming with their garbage practices. I remember when they were creative and used to try to make great games. Black Flag and Farcry 4 are still some of my favourite games.
Hopefully what is happening to Ubisoft and their share price scares the shit out of all the big gaming companies and forces them to listen to what gamers want rather than trying to get them to play live service games.
Stuff like this should qualify for a lifetime suspension from driving. Extreme disregard to the safety of others.
Sounds like a desperate attempt to keep shareholders happy after they admitted how far they are from having more first party titles.
PS5 is such a failure. They will make a lot of money from it, but it’s the generation that ruined PlayStations strong brand and trust
Been getting into emulation and replaying old games. This week I’ve been playing Simpsons H&R. Great game
When I saw that price tag for the pro, I knew that I had bought my last PlayStation console. If I decide to invest on new hardware, it will be a PC I can control rather than some locked box plugged into my TV.
I would love to switch to Linux, but everytime I try to look at it seriously, I get overwhelmed by the choosing of distros and people saying its hard and complicated. I wish it was more clear cut where you should start. I used to think it was ubuntu, but then people shit on it. Then I thought it was Mint, then people shit on that. So on and so forth. Makes it hard to understand how to even approach it.
I thought disk drives weren’t even useful on consoles anymore. Aren’t they basically just a key now to download the digital version onto your console.
I’ve recently been buying a lot of blu rays and mp3’s so I own the media I like. I used to steam a lot with Spotify and Netflix and was very happy for a long time. Then Netflix did that password sharing garbage and I started just finding my shows online. I hate that there are so many streaming platforms as well so I would have to chase the movies I love to watch them again, because they would constantly get moved to different platforms. Then a few years ago I bought a used blu ray player and started picking up my favorite’s. The quality is fantastic and I don’t have to wait for buffering. Best part is whenever I want to watch again I can just pop it back in the player and it doesn’t cost me any more money than I did to watch it before.
The streaming age started out great, but I think physical media could make a serious comeback. Not like I care if it does come back though. I would rather keep getting my blu rays for a few bucks on eBay. I would hate if blu rays became like the retro gaming market where the price of old games can skyrocket
Song quality is terrible. The features are lacking and rarely useful. Now they have increased the rates and take away car play. I left when I realized my top artists and songs were the same every year. Much better to buy the songs when the quality is way better and I actually own the media
Yeah she is an idiot
Guess this is just our lives now. Ignoring climate change and mismanaging wildfire prevention and now we live in a country where only May and maybe June are good months. Our summers now are almost completely covered in wildfire smoke. God knows the health effects we’ll all have later in life living through this every year. We grew up in a world where every day was warm and beautiful in the summer. We never worried about checking air quality and now it feels like our kids are going to live in a world where they need to wear gas masks outside.
Lol, as much as the world was better then, I can say I was not happier in 2015.
What stores should we be using as an alternative to loblaws? They own almost everything in my area
It doesn’t take much to run home assistant. I just have a raspberry pi going and it never fails. I plan to upgrade it to something more powerful in the future, but for now it is more than capable of running home assistant for me with no issues.
I heard they were lowering manufacturing for the Pro because they were anticipating lower interest so then they could still say that the Pro model sold out despite the criticism. Hopefully it so grossly under performs the Sony sees the errors of their ways.
The damage Sony and Microsoft have done to console gaming is showing. More people getting driven to PC everyday. I had only consoles my whole life, but the steam deck showed me that my next gaming machine will be a PC.