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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I’ve been playing Heart of the Machine, and really enjoying it. It’s a fascinating 4x ish in a future city, in a bit of an inversion of AI Wars (same developer). Before playing, I was merely intrigued, but now I’m excitedly awaiting where it goes. It was, however, initially difficult to figure out what to do. Perhaps more UX is going to be useful here.

  • I’ve been really enjoying it, even in its limited state. Jetpacks are a total game changer, and I love that the fuel lasts a long time. There’s still a few obvious QoL additions needed, especially with stuff like the cargo ships (gotta type the name in?!), but otherwise it’s got a really strong foundation. Also, elevators are amazing; just realized last night that one cam connect wire to the cab. Really excited to see how the game develops in the future (traaaaaains).