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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Metric is a product of the French Revolution, as well as decimal currency like cents. Some decimalization from the French Revolution didn’t catch on widely, like gradians for measuring angles or decimal minutes, hours, and weeks. The imperial units were standardized by various monarchies (hence the name).

  • I’ve been doing cryptography since 2000. I’m just not dumb enough to think that decentralized trustless ledgers have any practical use. 🤣🤣🤣

    It’s not true.

    I’m glad you finally came to that conclusion. This means you should use a centralized ledger, and you’ve been wasting your time. Perhaps in another few years, you’ll figure out that a centralized authority has to determine who gets a vote to cast and give up your blockchain voting pipe dream as well. 🤣🤣🤣

    It’s being talked about in regards to land deeds that can survive changes in power structures and authority.

    The people who talk about that are idiots. Changes in power structure and authority can say that one chain is no longer is in force, replacing it with another chain or a centralized ledger if they have any brains. 🤣🤣🥳🥳

  • I can guarantee that I know more about proof of stake than you do. It is physically impossible for a decentralized ledger to be more efficient than a centralized one.

    The government ultimately decides ownership, whether that is deciding which of many decentralized ledgers tracks ownership or which of many centralized ledgers, so using a decentralized ledger is always pure waste.

  • It’s not what he thinks of gay people. It’s that he spent his money to successfully deny gay people rights and nullify marriages that were already recognized. That’s not somebody I want to give money to. Look on Hacker News for his comments about why he made that donation, and you might change your mind about whether he is actually a bigot. He has never apologized for his actions.