With a cabinet made of billionaires?
Yeah ok what else you want us to smoke
With a cabinet made of billionaires?
Yeah ok what else you want us to smoke
The math is describing reality - but that’s why I highlighted that the math predicted it long before there was experimental evidence.
From what we know about the quantum realm (my physics professor liked using that description, as if it’s a whole different existence), it appears that it’s actually the opposite: reality is obeying the math. Consider how wild that is - particle interactions are doing what they do because of how mathematics works. Something that we humans came up with to describe observations.
So the way I “understood” the spin-statistics theorem is that it’s basically this:
A given particle with a given intrinsic spin has a direct relationship to a collection of the same particles as a consequence of quantum math. Yeah. Just “it’s related.”
Proving that math is really freaking difficult and you need to use relativistic quantum field theory. I think it was Richard Feynman who said “We apologize for the fact that we cannot give you an elementary explanation.”
Actually when I graduated there was another professor (can’t remember his name) who was discussing his frustration with how they still can’t explain it without all of QFT steps.
Basically, this is where the shared attitude of “the more you know about quantum physics, the more confusing it becomes.”
It’s a lot more complicated than that even.
Pauli Exclusion Principal is that two or more identical particles of half integer spin cannot occupy the same quantum state. So two electrons in an orbital must be made of a +1/2 and -1/2 spin. This is evidenced by observation, but the prediction was made long before that.
This is because the total wave function for fermions is antisymmetric (bosons, like the photon, are symmetric). It’s sort of hard to describe how this works without paper and pen, but essentially there is different formula of solving a wave function. A symmetric wave function is a sum, and an antisymmetric wave function is a difference. The issue arises when you have two identical particles - symmetric functions can be any state as it results in a solution >0. If you have an assymetric function of two identical particles, the result is 0, which isn’t a valid state.
The very uncomfortable part of physics is here: when we ask “why” the answer based on the math and the observation is quite literally “because that is the way math works.” It’s fundamental - just like x * 0 = 0.
With the exact same number of weapons and ammo. Stuff ain’t cheap or easy to come by, plus they can use rocks.
As awesome as that is - remember in the movie that the romans just executed all of the survivors of the initial massacre instead.
I’m like 90% certain that the US powers that be would be fine with this, so we might want to think of something slightly better if it comes to this.
Know what?
I’m thinking you might be right. Walking that confidently? The show of police presence? The assuredness of the police? The publicly shared evidence? A guy that kinda fits the profile?
He’s also a smart dude. He sees this for what it is. He also probably understands that regardless of what happens, the public will probably obtain justice.
We’re all furious with the state of things. We’re furious over the lack of police accountability, the laws for the poor and not the elite. We’re furious that they can look at what health insurance can do to make profit, and let it be completely legal to let people die.
It doesn’t matter if he did or did not do the crime at this point. The elite showed their hand too early, the public is calling it. He’s probably scared shitless, but he knows. He knows that regardless of what the outcome is, the people have rallied to him. He knows they can’t risk making him a martyr, and an acquittal would be devastating. The entire Spirit of the Constitution (regardless of it’s interpretation by the Supreme Court) and the people is behind him.
He knows justice is coming.
My favorite part is when he stands up to talk to the mirrored glass the handcuffs just pop apart like they weren’t even there in the first place. Four military soldiers in this picture for a man who could literally turn them into pink mist
VS the entourage NYPD gave Luigi. An unarmed man with a back injury. They really are scared.
I wonder why
We really need to do something about him.
Any ideas?
He still thinks a trade deficit is bad.
That works too. It just needs to get caught in a single prop for it to go down
That’s definitely giving them too much credit.
They are probably trying to reduce the number of eligible jurors who would acquit him.
I don’t see how they don’t see it.
You know, there’s no reason we can’t have anti-drone fireworks.
They don’t really even need dangerous amounts of explosives, they just need a strong net to get caught in a prop.
Drones are pretty damn slow if you compare it to a rocket.
This is amazing
“Everybody Hates You” “More Dead CEOs Please” “Deny, Defend, Depose”
It’s the craziest part of quantum physics. “Why is this stuff having the observed behavior?”
Based on all evidence and theory, the answer is that it quite literally just does.
We got Mr. Really Fun At Parties here huh?
Never heard of Gallows Humor eh?
They will have a joyous time with it. And you might find eviscerated mice under your couch one day. But my two dumbass fur balls just thought they were awesome toys.
Never figured out quite when they stopped coming in. The only really humane way to kill em is snap traps. I probably went through a couple dozen of them before they stopped showing up.
I was against using poisoned food traps because the last thing I wanted was my cat consuming a poisoned mouse. But, since our whole neighborhood had a problem with the mice, I wouldn’t be too surprised if a neighbor did it.