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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • I’ve never heard of Chester cheese. There’s Cheshire cheese, but that’s quite crumbly and wouldn’t hold up to being packaged like this. You might also be thinking of cheddar. A genuine cheddar would be too brittle, but in modern marketing, cheddar is often shorthand for any homogenous, yellow cheese. So this stuff might be described as cheddar on the packet.

    I think this stuff is more of a cheese-flavoured sauce, that they inject into the bags and leave to set. It’s more an invention of the convenience food industry, than any culinary tradition.

  • I’m often reminded of a SpaceX render they put up on the 'Tube back when they were still working out the reusability thing. Commenters had a lot of questions about how the particular flight plan impacted on their fuel budget. And so, Elon himself waded in with the answers. Except he was talking about the dollar price it cost to buy the fuel. He was like ‘why are you worried about fuel, it’s not that expensive, guys’ because he didn’t understand the questions. He didn’t understand why the amount of fuel and the mass of the fuel would be significant to anybody. Guys, I think he doesn’t understand the rocket equation. He doesn’t understand the central problem of rocketry. I think the guy might be full of it.

  • I find Wolfram Alpha helpful for this sort of thing. It said

    13 TeV ≈ 13 × approximate kinetic energy of a flying mosquito ( ≈ 1.6×10^-7 J )

    So absolutely tiny on everyday human scales. Credit to astronomy that they can even detect it over something as large as the earth’s atmosphere.

    Oops, I’d assumed that was the total energy delivered to the atmosphere, but it’s the energy per photon, and they detected at least 140 of them (so there were probably a lot more unobserved). Who would have thunk to read the article before commenting?