o_d [he/him]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What about long press to expand/collapse the chain and tap to show/hide the bar? Personally, most of my miss-clicks are attempts to click a link in the body. This results in everything collapsing and then needing to click to expand before trying again. I think it would be less frustrating if a miss-click of this type resulted in just the bar collapsing or expanding which doesn’t hide the link that was missed.

  • I’ve been working on a NixOS setup over the past few days and I just got BG3 to run a couple of hours ago. I had to switch from the Mesa driver to the AMD one, I can’t login to the launcher (CORS issue lmao), and it sometimes doesn’t launch at all. It’s still a bit of a WIP, but it did seem to run at least as well as it did on Windows when it worked. I’m hoping that having an ephemeral, config-based setup will save me a lot of this trouble in the future.

  • Stalin did none of that. Perhaps try reading a fucking book. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler, just like all the countries in Western Europe. The difference is that Stalin first tried to get the Western European countries to ally against Hitler. They refused of course, because they love their fascism. Equating Stalin to Hitler is very fascist behavior.

  • What scarcity? Capitalism is ripe with overproduction. It’s why the boom and bust cycle exists. Capitalism overproduces, demand goes down, production slows, and people become unemployed. This scarcity is man-made. We produce an abundance of food, but an abundance of food waste at the same time. Instead of sending this overproduction where it’s needed, Canadian farmers dump milk down the drain to keep prices artificially high and because feeding those in need isn’t profitable.