• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • 12 year SDE + 12 year TPM vet here.

    Do everything you can to help your software engineers (or whoever is doing the work) have as much focus time as they need. Buffer your meetings and questions to one chunk of time per day. Encourage them to block-out and protect their focus time. And encourage the team to keep office hours so they can still make themselves available to others, but in a controlled way.

    Be transparent with the business’s goals and frustrations you are facing. There’s an attitude (often among inexperienced devs) that PMs are good for nothing; just an interface to the rest of the business, and a source of where tasks come from. And some certainly are that, but a good PM is worth their weight in gold.

    Find a good mentor, and start thinking about your next career step now.

  • Yeah, tech. Updated my original comment to clarify.

    Honestly, the bit from the article that rang most accurate was this:

    Lastly, it’s possible that many Americans think the Bureau of Labor Statistics’s job opening figures are overstated. For example, some job seekers have reported encountering “ghost jobs” — listings on job platforms that companies are no longer actively hiring for.

    I’ve been keeping track of the roles I’ve gone after (well within qualification for) and I’m seeing a lot of re-listings for roles that closed out my application (with no outreach) and just relisted the req after a few weeks, over and over again.

    I’m not saying the listings are fake, but if they were fake, this is pretty much what it would look like from the outside.

  • Crunchberries are a part of an American sugary cereal, Cap’n Crunch. They are colorful crunchy balls that were originally introduced to add color and differentiation to the uniform yellows base cereal mix, but became so popular upon release that a new cereal was introduced called Oops All Crunchberries that left out the original yellowy cereal all together.

    My point is that Discovery’s essence as a show is that it can’t be nailed down to one central concept. Every major arc is the sort of thing one might have built an entire show around, but Disco won’t be bothered to stick to one, so it just says “screw it, let’s do them all!”. It wants to be all over the map - that is the show working by design. It’s an interesting idea, and not one I would begrudge older Trek fans for disliking, but it did confuse the shit out of me along the way before I figured this out.