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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • How are they measuring the costs here? Even fast-food burgers have significantly shot up in price.

    If we go by raw ingredients, then healthy food can be considerably cheaper than pre-made garbage and fast food.

    If we add the time cost of traveling to a grocery store, shopping, and then preparing the healthier food, then it could become more expensive.

    There’s also the fact that most of the USA has absolute shit public transportation which increases the burden for people who can’t afford cars to get groceries in the first place. That and the time costs can be reduced with grocery deliveries, however. this might not be a viable option in all areas or work schedules; You want to be home when the groceries are delivered.

    Then there is the fact that there are a lot of food deserts , especially in low-income areas. This can make it harder, if not impossible for people to even get healthier food.

    Not sure where I’m going with my train of thought here…

  • Heh, I almost dealt with this yesterday when I cleaned up my room a tad. Everything was scattered on the floor and in order to clean up things better, I had to shuffle everything around until I got everything put back away, albeit imperfectly.

    This is one of those situations where ADHD people need to keep going and find a home for the displaced items, even if it’s back where it was before. In fact, I’d recommend putting everything back either where it was before, or close to it. Maybe just keep like things with like.

    If you’re ADHD, you’re going to forget where you “reorganized” everything to and you’ll end up tearing everything apart looking for that thing you put away yesterday.

    It’s not a perfect answer, but it’s better than leaving everything on the floor…