the fascism is coming from inside the house my clown. u are going to vote for the sidekick and supporter of a self proclaimed zionist. She IS a fascist, she supports genocide.
the fascism is coming from inside the house my clown. u are going to vote for the sidekick and supporter of a self proclaimed zionist. She IS a fascist, she supports genocide.
u think voting for california’s ex head pig is gonna keep black people safe from pigs??? how does that work? how does continuing the “i think we can all agree what we need is to found the police” regime make black people safe from pigs?
Also how would republicans be worse than Palestinians than the continuation of a regime currently led by a self proclaimed non jewish zionists.
also also democrats could have and did nothing to protect womens bodily autonomy and they have done next to nothing for lgbtq people or any other oppressed peoples for that matter.
but non of that matters there is regime in power which is genocidal which has done everything in its power to support and aid a genocide, u can either support it or not, that is all.
“we have to vote for a genocidal regime because the other guy is even worse”
U can vote for genocide or u can vote 3rd party, that is that. Maybe u can excuse genocide, amerikkkans are very comfy with it and have always love doing it but i can not.
its not even true if she said she was against genocide and would put a stop to it as soon as she had power and openly criticized Biden for his support of genocide she would get waaaaay more votes. But also genocide is just straight up too high a price regardless of what is in the other side of the scale.
the incompetent ones who could not see reality blinded by their own shitty ideology? Well good news amerikkka has been blessed with abundance in this regard.
u will probably feel less welcomed if u arent white and male and a rightoid in 4chan than reddit but honestly not by much, i think the critical difference is that on reddit u can filter ur experience so all the shits stains hang out in their own subs and the normal people avoid them, but im not sure if that is actually better, because it permits a site which is at least tolerant of some of the shittiest ideologies and prejudices around to be main stream while everyone rightfully regards 4chan as what it truly is.
i suppose its much the same here with lemmy being pretty respectable but with vile people being allowed to leak thru from right wing cesspools like
its not about gatekeeping anything its about describing reality, if u are a worker either u are a pathetic boot licker or u are leftist and ur mouth looks rather muddy.
thats not really what happens tho before disney was the big evil king of intellectual property and they were running around adapting other works their stuff was stand alone despite being based on existing stories or being adaptations of existing stories. When superman became more or less public domain we didnt see this happen despite his popularity people just did their own unique adaptation/retelling of the story rather than a mess of sequels. What i think would actually happen is that people would retell masseeffects story with their own takes on it and make new stories in that universe or with the original characters (tho im sure it would happen idk why they are all so fucking bland).
And even if there were unofficial sequels the original studio can always slap a “from the original creators of” label to theirs so people obsessed with the official telling of fictional stories know what to obsess over.
except that Egyptians were black some 4000 years ago, 2000 years for upper Egypt, it is quite literally named the “land of the blacks” after all that is what Egypt means, latter ancient civilizations in lower Egypt were not black and eventually upper Egypt too because of migration from Asia and Europe which in turn created migrations of the then Egyptians into at first upper Egypt and then Ethiopia and Sudan. Almost the entirety of what people think of when they think of “ancient Egypt” was made by black people not all but most.
i agree i just think its interesting considering the history of ancient Egypt. which is why i said IF such things went by culture and blood.
a clear lack of historical knowledge. plenty of the statue do have black features, they stop having black features first in lower Egypt and then much latter in upper Egypt, because there was a migration from asia/arabia and europe into Africa the vast majority of what we think of as ancient Egypt was created by black skinned people from Africa whos culture was preserved when they migrated south into Ethiopia and Sudan and later south Sudan the group of people we understand as Arabs today didnt even exists at the time. And the fact that Africa is diverse has nothing to do with this.
funny for an Egyptian man to say this, considering that it was made by black people not Arabs. If such things went by blood then and culture then South Sudan would have the strongest claim to it, its like saying that art by ancient indigenous americans belongs to an amerikkkan only difference is time.
they belong in Egypt not in en***nd
except that not actually an other hand sorta thing at all, almost exclusively it was colonizers and their wars that destroyed so many of the artifacts that werent stolen, if they weren’t delivery destroyed by colonizers to erase history and beyond even that the colonizers carelessness, greed, and racism which they brought to archeology led to much more than just artifacts being destroyed. There are so many historical sites whose histories we will never know at all because these clown excavated them to take “relics” and took little if any records where their precious artifacts were found and how, and that is if sites were not destroyed in their entirety out of sheer idiocy in the search of something else like how troy was. 18th, 19th, and even some 20th century so called archeology is a history of the destruction of history.
Like i said u amerikkkans are very comfy with genocide not a big deal for u i get it u are evil but for actual fucking humans with empathy and emotions and shit there is no compromise with genocide. I reiterate u are trying to excuse voting for a genocidal regime because u might get a few crumbs of positive legislature YOU ARE PATHETIC, and u are evil. We are done here.
right now there is genocidal regime in power u can either support them or not do that, that is all, i know to u amerikkkans genocide is nothing having committed so many thru out ur history and feeling proud of them and all that but for normal people there is no space for compromise here.
i never said they were the exactly the same infact i said they were even worse for immigrants at a national level because they are. And lets be very fucking clear here u are ok with genocide i am not that is the difference any other year i wouldnt care, but right now we have a regime in government who openly and loudly supports genocide who revels in the slaughter of children, the question at the polls is a simple one do u support that genocidal regime or not.
the dems are treating immigrants just as badly and deporting even more, they did nothing to protects womens rights to abortions or to protect lgbtq people and they are actively supporting a FUCKING GENOCIDE in case u forgot. They dont deserve a single fucking vote. If they lose and i doubt they will maybe it will teach them not to be genocidal at the very least.
i mean its hard to be empathetic about 2000 people dying its kinda too much its hard to think about so many people as people its hard to think in that scale when it comes to people.