It’s like the “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this” skit with the guy in the hotdog suit and the hotdog car.
It’s like the “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this” skit with the guy in the hotdog suit and the hotdog car.
I remember talking to a coworker at a tech startup once. He was leaving to go work for some like military intelligence spy company. I was like, “But what if they have you work on something fucked up, like spying on innocent people, or sending drones to kill people?” He was like, big shrug, the pay is good.
Some people just don’t care about other people. He was nice to people he knew, when it didn’t really cost him anything.
Our society isn’t really set up to discourage that kind of worldview. That kind of selfish person typically thrives.
This is a deeply off topic whataboutism that only serves to distract from how horrible the trump administration is. You are benefitting the conservatives.
I read this and the other linked article about how bad musk is at poker and I’m so mad now. He’s such a fucking fool.
Even if they all stupided themselves to death today, it would take years to repair the damage. Some of the damage can’t be repaired. And we’d still be behind where we could have been if we had had competent leadership to begin with. Or even just less bad leadership.
We should never forgive the Republicans. Every one of them should be a pariah.
All the people who were mad about Clinton’s email that aren’t furious about this are hypocrits that should never be taken seriously again.
If you think ‘voluntary’ is acceptable for anything important you want corporations to do, you have no business making decisions about real life. If it’s voluntary, they’ll only do it if it benefits them.
You’d revive that program over the bloody corpses of many conservatives. Which, actually, yeah let’s do that. A lot of other problems go away if the right wing bleeds out.
Labor hasn’t organized enough to say “Fuck this shit” and demand a livable wage in exchange for their labor.
Meanwhile, management is salivating at the idea of firing most people and replacing them with AI.
The ownership class needs to go. Workers need to at the very least unionize, but should also take things further and seize control of what they’ve built.
If those Internet duds that get mad about black people in video games spent like half that energy being mad about, like, wage theft, we’d be so much better off.
I think we should organize and go demand everyone working for DOGE… stop. And not demand like with funny signs and chants, but like with 2nd amendment arms.
That’s really bad. You might get other people sick with what you have, but if they’re immune compromised or otherwise vulnerable they could have a really bad, possibly fatal, time.
Apply it to healthcare, science, finances, and the world will become a better place, especially in healthcare.
That’s all kind of moot if we continue down the capitalist hellscape express. What good is an AI that can diagnose cancer if most people can’t afford access? What good is AI writing novels if our homes are destroyed by climate change induced disasters?
Those problems are mostly political, and AI isn’t going to fix them. The people that probably could be replaced with AI, the shitty “leaders” and such, are not going to voluntarily step down.
There’s a shared theme with like all of humanity’s woes: people don’t care that much.
From pollution to injustice to shitty websites, if people cared just a little more the problem would be dramatically reduced or even eliminated.
But so many people are just apathetic. Overwhelmed and checked out.
I’d like to privatize Wells Fargo, where I also mean “dismantle and leave behind an unrecognizable corpse”
Most people like to be productive.
There is enough money and resources. It’s mostly just consolidated in the hands of the rich. You’ve probably seen https://eattherichtextformat.github.io/1-pixel-wealth/ . If you spread that around, you get more economic activity.
Lots of people choose to do stuff instead of just chilling. Go look at all the open source projects that are just made by hobbyists, or community gardens, or any number of other self organized projects. Capitalism with all the profit is theft bits isn’t the only way.
Conservatives aren’t generally considered smart, kind, people.
I’m not sure I follow. What do you think is bullshit?
Someone still needs to do work, but not everyone needs to work all the time.
We would probably be fine if people who wanted to work just kept working. Or if we had universal basic income, so people could more freely choose if they wanted to trade their time+labor for something else.
Like, if absolutely no one wants to tend the fields then that’s going to be a problem for food. I think there are enough people who would do it because they want to, especially for jobs that are local. But even if not, you could still offer money. Having basic income (or some other mechanism to assure basic needs are met) in place means it’s much less coercive, because it’s no longer a question of labor or suffer
I am skeptical of things that sound too good to be true, and also I feel like the current US government would fuck it up, but maybe things won’t be terrible forever.