• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • I’m only a few hundred hours in to Rimworld, but have 5 or 6 times that in DF.

    I very much enjoy the micro management of RW and it’s polish, but DF feels so much richer and deeper to me at least. I do prefer the longer term, macro management of DF.

    Perhaps it’s nothing more than which I played first?

    I can see the Sims/Sim City analogy! Hated the Sims, loved Sim City!

  • The way I understand it, (which is virtually not at all really!) there is no overall universal time or background clock like a force field of time or “stable rhythm” that everything experiences. But every observer experiences its own time, relative to whatever point of reference is used.

    This is where my meager brain fully melts down…

    If everything is moving through spacetime, the faster through space, relative to C, the slower you travel through time, the slower through space, the faster through time.

    So if every particle is moving away from each other equally at C, from each ones perspective it’s own time is slowed to 0, so now everything is eternally rushing away from everything else with no time passing.

    Now my reasoning and vocabulary fail completely tbh,

  • My main need of a separate POE is more logistical than networking, it’s convenient to power a couple of cameras from a distant switch.

    I think if I started over the only things I’d alter would be the number of ports on the main switch. 16 ports at least. I’ve used all 8 and still have things I would use more for.

    Here’s a physical diagram (not all clients are shown) that may help some more:

  • Yep, it’s not as overkill as it first seems.

    One managed handles all the VLAN designations and most of the heavy lifting of the network,

    One is just a virtual switch in my Proxmox server dealing with the virtual machines and containers.

    And then a physical VLAN aware switch at each end of the house for all client devices on multiple VLANS, ie CCTV (no internet), Media VMs on VPN only VLAN, PC, laptop, phones etc on their own, and a management VLAN.

  • Great advice! TBH I’m not sure any amount of careful burrowing will save my fort from the inevitable, at least while I’m keeping so many FBs and deamons in cells in the basement and doors mysteriously keep unlocking.

    It’s typical that the fortress I decide to make a clown zoo I also learn that locked doors can both be destroyed and unlocked by somebody else! Surprised I’ve not had ether happen until now. !fun! times indeed!

  • Funny story (for a Dwarven value of funny) While the Hill Titan was mopping the floor with his opponent, dead Doorf notifications started spamming. Some unknown was gong around unlocking the security doors in my fortress and had managed to set free two Forgotten Beasts that were trapped below. Luckily one was derping in a corner with some pathfinding issue, but the other, typically a web spitter, was tearing through my troop of miners. 20 dead before I even re positioned the camera! Time to send in some lucky soul to tether an alpaca down there!

    Oh the Hill (bug) Titan won, apparently…