Under notes, where you said my name, did you mean “Hedgedoc?”
Under notes, where you said my name, did you mean “Hedgedoc?”
It doesn’t read like AI to me, but their takeaways about copyright made me think the author had read an AI summary rather than the actual source material.
They didn’t say it was a Linux problem; they said it was a mobile problem
It’s okay, the author of the article didn’t actually read (or understand) the Copyright Office’s recommendations. They are:
Based on an analysis of copyright law and policy, informed by the many thoughtful comments in response to our NOI, the Office makes the following conclusions and recommendations:
• Questions of copyrightability and AI can be resolved pursuant to existing law, without the need for legislative change.
• The use of AI tools to assist rather than stand in for human creativity does not affect the availability of copyright protection for the output.
• Copyright protects the original expression in a work created by a human author, even if the work also includes AI-generated material.
• Copyright does not extend to purely AI-generated material, or material where there is insufficient human control over the expressive elements.
• Whether human contributions to AI-generated outputs are sufficient to constitute authorship must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.
• Based on the functioning of current generally available technology, prompts do not alone provide sufficient control.
• Human authors are entitled to copyright in their works of authorship that are perceptible in AI-generated outputs, as well as the creative selection, coordination, or arrangement of material in the outputs, or creative modifications of the outputs.
• The case has not been made for additional copyright or sui generis protection for AI- generated content.
Pretty much everything the article’s author stated is contradicted by the above.
From the feature comparison at https://github.com/meichthys/foss_note_apps only two FOSS apps support handwriting: Joplin (with a plugin) which gets a subjective 6/10 score, and TriliumNext, which gets a subjective 2/10 score. I personally dislike Joplin but many people love it, so I recommend giving it a shot. EDIT: I installed Joplin using the APK from the site and both the handwriting and Excalidraw plugins were “not available on mobile,” so I have to rescind my recommendation. On my iOS device, the plugins didn’t even show up in the search.
I think TriliumNext is great, but the mobile experience is still lacking (though they are tracking several issues to improve here). There’s no dedicated mobile app but they at least have a PWA. It also needs to be self-hosted, but doing so is straightforward if you’re already using Docker. The handwriting is done via a built-in Excalidraw integration.
Here are some options not captured in that list:
Obsidian is not open source, but also has an Excalidraw plugin. I’ve not used it yet but I’ve seen multiple discussions saying that it’s very well done and has additional functionality on top of base Excalidraw. There’s also an open source (MIT) plugin for Obsidian that adds support for handwritten notes. I only use Obsidian on my work computer and haven’t used it either, though I plan to install the Excalidraw plugin Monday.
StylusLabs Write is FOSS (AGPL 3.0), multiplatform, and has a free Android apk available. Note that the Google Play version has had updates suspended. I just learned about it and don’t know how it otherwise measures up. I’m planning to check it out, though.
You can use any note app that has Excalidraw support, so long as you don’t need your handwritten text to be OCRed. That means that the following are all options:
local docker hub proxy
Do you mean a Docker container registry? If so, here are a couple options:
Every system in an RPG should be designed and tailored to max the possible immersion you can get from the game.
Having to deal with inventory management doesn’t always improve immersion. Inventory optimization doesn’t immerse me; rather, it gives me a puzzle to solve.
Oh 100% agreed - in this instance, it’s clear that OBS has a well maintained package that should be prioritized. But they could keep their repo first and remove OBS (and other known-to-be-well-maintained apps) from it to accomplish that.
They put their repo first on the list.
Right. And are we talking about the list for OBS or of repos in general? I doubt Fedora sets the priority on a package level. And if they don’t, and if there are some other packages in Flathub that are problematic, then it makes sense to prioritize their own repo over them.
That said, if those problematic packages come from other repositories, or if not but there’s another alternative to putting their repo first that would have prevented unofficial builds from showing up first, but wouldn’t have deprioritized official, verified ones like OBS, then it’s a different story. I haven’t maintained a package on Flathub like the original commenter you replied to but I don’t get the impression that that’s the case.
Why did Fedora make their packages take priority? Is it because the priority is otherwise random and if you don’t have a priority set, that leads to the issue they mentioned? Because if so, that sounds like a reasonable action by Fedora and like the real culprit is Flathub.
A paid skillful engineer, who doesn’t think it’s important to make that sort of a change and who knows how the system works, will know that, if success is judged solely by “does it work?” then the effort is doomed for failure. Such an engineer will push to have the requirements written clearly and explicitly - “how does it function?” rather than “what are the results?” - which means that unless the person writing the requirements actually understands the solution, said solution will end up having its requirements written such that even if it’s defeated instantly, it will count as a success. It met the specifications, after all.
You cannot encrypt email End to End.
It has to be stored in plaintext somewhere.
Yahoo does not offer encrypted email.
It doesn’t need to. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-yahoo
I primarily use Standard Notes. It’s a fantastic tool and I can use it anywhere, online or offline. It’s not great for collaboration, though, and it doesn’t have a canvas option. But I use it for scratch pads, for todo lists, for project tracking, for ideas, plans, plotting for my tabletop (Monster of the Week) game, software design and architecture, for drafting comments, etc…
Standard Notes also has a ton of options for automated backups. I get a daily email with a backup of my notes; I can host my notes on my home server and the corporate one; I can also set up automated backups on any desktop.
I don’t use it for saving links. I’m still using Raindrop.io for that, even though I’m self-hosting both Linkding and Linkwarden.
For sharing and collaboration, I either publish to Listed with Standard Notes or use Hedgedoc, which is great for collaboration and does a great job presenting nodes, too.
For canvas notes, I use GoodNotes on a tablet or the Onyx Boox’s default Notes app. I’d love a better FOSS, self-hosted option, especially for the Boox, but my experiences thus far have been negative (especially on the Boox).
I’ve been trying out SilverBullet lately, since I want to try out cross-note querying and all that, but I’m too stuck in my habits and keep going back to Standard Notes. I think I’ll have better luck if I choose one app and go with it.
I also have a collection of Mnemosyne notebooks that I use with fountain pens (mostly the Lamy 2000, but also quite commonly a Platinum 3776 or a Twsbi). Side note: the Lamy 2000 was my first fountain pen and after getting it I went deep into fountain pens. I explored a ton of different options, found a lot of nice pens across a number of brands… and yet how I still haven’t found something that I consistently like more. The Pilot VP is great but deceptive; a fancy clicky pen that only holds 30 minutes of ink (in a converter, at least) is decidedly inconvenient.
I’ve also been checking out Obsidian on my work computer. So far I haven’t seen anything that makes me prefer it over my existing set of tools.
Hedgedoc is fantastic. If you’re okay with your notes app being web-only (without an app or even a PWA) and you don’t need canvas notes or multi-note queries, you should check it out.
First, every note is Markdown, but it supports a ton of things natively. It has native Vim, Emacs, and Sublime (the default) editors and it’s built to be great for collaboration (if you want).
It also has
And best of all, they have a Hedgehog for the icon! (I may be biased.)
Clearly they’re cosplaying as a Canonical engineer whose internal explanation and pleas for them to not take this approach fell upon deaf ears /j
If you’re a C developer who doesn’t know Rust, no.
If a communication norm is just about other people’s preferences, why should they change? Who’s to say that other people’s preferences are more important than their own, particularly given that this particular preference is shared by millions of other people.
If inconsistent use of capitalization actually hinders understanding for some subset of their audience, then that’s a different story. My experience is that people are more likely to be annoyed than to actually have issues understanding all lowercase text. All caps text, on the other hand, is a different matter - and plenty of government and corporate entities are fine putting important text in all caps. But all caps text is a known accessibility issue. When I search for “all lowercase accessibility,” though, all I get is a bunch of results saying to not use all caps text for accessibility reasons.
If you have sources showing that all lowercase text is an accessibility concern, then you should share them. Heck, you should have led with that. But as it is, your argument ultimately boils down to “someone else should change what they do, that works for them, because it annoys me.”
Both of the reasons you’ve provided are nonsensical:
I can’t use signal.
Why? Do you not have a phone number? Is it blocked in your country? Are you legally prohibited from using software with end to end encryption?
PSN had 129 million MAU in December 2024. Source. That’s less than Steam had in 2021 - 132 million MAU. Source.
Across all platforms, including Xbox and PC, Microsoft reported 500 million MAU in the fiscal quarter ending June 2024. Source.