Antibiotic-resistant communicable diseases don’t respect political borders.
Antibiotic-resistant communicable diseases don’t respect political borders.
Fucking well said.
I’m a mathematician too. They’re probably speaking from an intuitive grasp of utility.
Yeah, but still - the elephant.
I care about my friends, and if they want to talk about it, I’m happy to listen.
Depending on what the thing is (eg, potential new person) they can be inherently interesting too.
“I love life on Earth… but I love capitalism more.”
Sexy anti-woke task force officer?
The lizardfolk brigade.
In 2016, 96% of UKIP membership voted for (some version of) Brexit - their raison d’etre. 4% is a typical fraction of any group to be chaotically bonkers.
And 51 feels prime. Someone sgould write a letter.
It’s “revelation,” singular. Like trivial pursuit.
The beeb. Interviewees were both pro-Israeli and representatives of different Palastinian groups; what could not be distinguished between them was the playground line of blaming the other for their own behaviour.
In the days following the October attacks, the media was filled with spokespeople repeatedly delivering the line, “look what they made us do”.
It comes to the same conclusion regarding the illegality of the weapons, even if it’s pretty lenient in its interpretation of how thousands of devices can be “reasonably expected” to all end up in the hands of combatants.
The way the electoral roll is managed varies from place to place.
Avoiding automatic voter registration tends to favour the more traditionally conservative demographic; it’s racist and classist, but the people who turn up to vote on local electoral issues are too, by and large. It requires engagement to change.
Ed Balls
You’ve linked into it, but I was just going to point at the Git book:
It’s an afternoon’s reading; it does an excellent job of giving you the right mental model - and a crib aheet of commands to navigate it.
That seems like a non sequiteur. Did you watch the video? Did you hear what the presenter was asking for? Technical feedback on the API semantics they were describing. A heads-up if breaking changes to those APIs were about to land, so they can update bindings. They were bending over backwards to be accommodating. None of this is the entitled behaviour you describe.
It’s what C is for, too.
The point is that there may be cases already where the type system that rust provides its guarantees off the back of is insufficiently expressive. (I say “may be” because there are ingenious qays to use what it does provide, although nonobvious and not necessarily without cost.) If you’re using unsafe
then it’s just an uglier C. I don’t think anyone considers the current state of Rust’s type system to be the be-all and end-all of expressivity.
He doesn’t want to be co-president. He’s a founder of the USA.