Amerikan Pharaoh

“That’s how I knew it was the first day; wig-twisting season, where folks can get they wigs twisted back, within reason”

they/them || || No compromise, no retreat. || I don’t debate crackers, I just drag 'em

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • They’re sitting on their fucking hands.

    The only just answer when the only options presented are both for genocide. History will know who collaborated by whose metadata is tied to the ballots-- and trust, with how many data breaches have happened up til now? People will find out who, when, and where; to a granular level.

    Honestly? I think when that day comes, the principled should put up a site the same way Kyiv and Tel Aviv did, lists with names, faces, SSNs, and ‘last known location’ data for every single Amerikan collaborator in genocide from say, I dunno… 2012 to present day? Wonder how much would change if naming and shaming were possible.

  • Ok dude, if you define a liberal as someone that is voting for a dem instead of bending over for the immediate threat of literal fascism… you got me

    Fascism was already here you comfortable suburbanite scumbag. Fascism was already here in the way cops gun down my people in the streets, in their front yards, in their fucking beds. Fascism was already here in the MILLIONS of carceral slaves that Amerika has profited off of since the thirteenth amendment was shifted around to enshrine slavery instead of abolish it. Fascism was already here when DEMOCRATS erected the literal CONCENTRATION CAMPS at our southern border!

    And you only want to talk about it now??? When finally it has the chance to affect you? You disgust me.

    As far as Israel’s founding, yeah fine I’m not that old afaic the world fucked up by letting Israel happen but once they’re all there what now?

    Considering it’s Amerika that’s been arming them and Amerika that’s been abetting them, why not give them a big old chunk of wherever’s got the most old white settlers to disturb.

    So my question is how does voting for Jill stein make any of that better?

    It signals that genocide is a non-starter and that there’s still a chunk of the populace that has enough principle to still be considered an empathetic and decent human being.

    What do you think a relationship between Trump 2.0 and Netanyahu looks like? You care about Palestinians and you want to risk a second Trump term?

    Shut the fuck up. You did not care about Palestine before right now; you liberals are fucking shameless with that play. Frankly, I see no difference between Trump, Biden, or Harris. All empty-save-their-racism suits to carry out the capitalist neo-imperial agenda. Way I see it? Amerika deserves everything that happens to it next, for aiding and abetting these monsters. Votescolding poli-cel ass.