Living offgrid in a campervan since 2018 w/ pibble+boxer Muffin.

LIKE dogs, books, thoughtful people of all flavors DISLIKE bullies, sh1tposters, partisans, noise

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Do normal people who don’t do this stuff for a living use Linux now, outside handheld gaming devices?

    I run into folks using linux fairly often in tech hobbies. Ham operators, DIY solar folk, people dorking around with a RasPi, etc. And some Normals who want a lighter experience than Win.

    Last dedicated windows box I ran at home was Windows NT 4, IIRC. Last time I had to use it at work was Win7 (?) before I retired. I do have a Win7 virtual somewhere around here I spin up every couple years to run something obscure I can’t get to run in WINE.

  • warning: some non-linux included below

    • minix
    • slackware
    • early Debian
    • FreeBSD (ftp installs instead of 20 floppies! OMG!)
    • Debian
    • Crunchbang <-- loved that original project
    • Solaris (friend gave me a Sparc 5)
    • DSL, Puppy linux (had a tiny netbook)
    • **Debian on workstations and servers since ~2014 **
    • various debian-based distros on RPI

    I do spin up other distros in a VM from time to time to see what’s what. Most recently NixOS since people won’t STFU about it. :-)

  • In the early 90s I was running a BBS on DesqView over DOS and was annoyed by the limitations. My older hardware didn’t have grunt or RAM (SIPP at $50/MB) to run OS/2 like the big dogs. I also had nearly no money (grad student).

    I started experimenting with MINIX, and from there to linux. IIRC I started with Slackware, flirted with Red Hat, then found Debian and it was true lurve. Since that time I’ve generally run servers on Debian stable and workstations on Debian testing.

  • Isc 0.61A

    We can ballpark maximal/theoretical harvest by multiplying the bank voltage (Vbatt) by the panel’s short circuit current (Isc).

    • Vbatt 10.0v - ~0% SoC = ≤6.1w (Isc 0.61A x Vbatt 10.0v)
    • Vbatt 13.0v - ~50% SoC = ≤7.93w
    • Vbatt 14.0v - 100% SoC = ≤8.54w

    Real world conditions and esoteric concepts like I/V curve fill factor will conspire to depress observed current (A) and therefore observed harvest (W). The quick math to above is just to illustrate how the bank voltage tail wags the PWM dog.

    Keep us in the loop about how the project turns out. :-)

  • Do you have stats on how many watt hours you collect from the 100w panel in the Dec/Jan (assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere),

    You can model average insolation (and use that to extrapolate average harvest) by month using tools like PVwatts. Here’s a walkthrough.

    Using Bowling Green, KY as an example since it’s on the 37th. 100w of flatmounted panel on an MPPT solar charge controller would average:

    Solar wattage	100
    Month	Daily Wh Avg
    Jan	168
    Feb	249
    Mar	331
    Apr	426
    May	513
    Jun	598
    Jul	555
    Aug	506
    Sep	396
    Oct	305
    Nov	201
    Dec	156
    Average	367

    Derate those yields by ~18% if using PWM. <– rule of thumb, not gospel

    if we are on the west coast instead, here’s Santa Cruz, California:

    Solar wattage	100
    Month	Daily Wh Avg
    Jan	206
    Feb	286
    Mar	386
    Apr	519
    May	582
    Jun	642
    Jul	605
    Aug	542
    Sep	447
    Oct	349
    Nov	245
    Dec	183
    Average	416

    and how those stats vary on overcast days vs sunny?

    The figures above are daily averages, including normal weather patterns and are how we size our systems. But for the sake of curiosity/understanding, my observations have been that if my clear-day harvest is X then overcast is 0.6X, bright overcast is 0.7X and dark/rainy is 0.05-0.10X. Cloud-edge effect and other reflective phenomena can result in harvest >1X.

    While it does freeze here (occasionally down to 0° F) the battery will be inside the chicken coop where the temp has always remained above freezing.

    A battery warming solution could be implemented for $20 (warming pads, 12v temp controller).

  • Nominal 12v panel + nominal 12v battery is good, and the Wanderer will charge LiFePO4 with a canned profile IIRC.

    Here’s the next hurdle: I’d expect a 10w panel on PWM to max at ~7w under excellent conditions; we could estimate this more accurately better if we knew the panel specs. And the controller will require a certain amount of power to run its own innards. The Wanderer 10A specs say Self-consumption &lt;10mA but this may be with the panel[s] disconnected, or when the panels are connected but there is no PV input. Or it may really be <10mA in all cases; not much electronics inside a PWM compared to MPPT. If you do it please report back with what you find.

    These kinds of challenges are common in very small (experimental, learning) solar setups; when the numbers get larger this kind of challenge largely gets lost in the noise of bigger numbers.