Why invite any middleman into your transactions to spy on you at all? Tapping a credit card is the easiest thing to do.
Why invite any middleman into your transactions to spy on you at all? Tapping a credit card is the easiest thing to do.
If they make it more exact such that it’s not ambiguous whether they can use our data for whatever, that would be fine.
So for the last 20 plus years before this new wording, Firefox has not been a functional browser?
A model randomly creating quirky output like hands with six fingers does not get you to David Lynch.
Can I reply to this next week when I stop laughing
If you’re looking for a site with more Fox News dipshits then go read the comments on the Fox News site. What do you want us to do about it if they’re not here?
It’s equally stupid that we put up with their rent seeking.
Reddit and Twitter are cesspools that I quit a long time ago, I’ve never been on TikTok, if the better content from those places gets reposted elsewhere (putting aside whether this qualifies) that has value.
The bots that flood the site every link they see with no quality control are annoying as shit. And if you block them then you won’t see the minority of decent links that are in there.