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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • It’s about making APIs more flexible, permissive, and harder to misuse by clients. It’s a user-centric approach to API design. It’s not done to make it easier on backend. If anything, it can take extra effort by backend developers.

    But you’d clearly prefer vitriol to civil discourse and have no interest in actually learning anything, so I think my time would be better spent elsewhere.

  • The semantics of the API contract is distinct from its implementation details (lazy loading).

    Treating null and undefined as distinct is never a requirement for general-purpose API design. That is, there is always an alternative design that doesn’t rely on that misfeature.

    As for patches, while it might be true that JSON Merge Patch assigns different semantics to null and undefined values, JSON Merge Patch is a worse version of JSON Patch, which doesn’t have that problem, because like I originally described, the semantics are explicit in the data structure itself. This is a transformation that you can always apply.

  • Glad you got fired. Vaccines should always be mandatory save for legitimate, doctor-validated medical exemptions.

    Anti-vaxxers are fucking stupid and should either be educated properly or, if they still refuse to do their civic duty after being de-programmed of misinformation, punished. You are only allowed to participate in society if you take the necessary steps that you are morally and ethically obligated to do in order to protect it from preventable, transmissible disease. We had eradicated polio until stupid motherfuckers like yourself decided that it would be a good idea to forgo the standard polio vaccine schedule that we’ve had for decades. Now, we saw the first case in 30 years in 2022 because someone selfishly thought that their personal beliefs were more important than the health and livelihood of everyone else.

  • As someone that has recently taken an infant and and family CPR class for my son who started solid foods a few months ago, this is pretty similar to how they teach it today and I’m pretty sure it would have the same effect. You can’t perform a heimlich on a baby or very small child for a variety of reasons. This method or something similar to it is both safer and more effective, since it lets gravity help dislodge the food.