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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

    1. The 25% raise is actually a 13% raise then 4% more each year. This barely keeps up with the rate of inflation and isn’t a real raise. They are also trying to increase the rate at which they cap out their pay.

    2. They are trying to fight the mandatory overtime which is understandable.

    3. Yes the pension they definitely want their pensions back.

    4. This is all about job security. They don’t want Boeing to make a plant somewhere else where it’ll be cheaper to pay the employees and such.

  • I use kratom very semi regularly. It’s like a miracle cure for back and joint pain for me. Threshold doses completely turn off pain in 30 minutes.

    I’ve noticed that kratom in particular makes me absolutely wreck while playing videogames. Makes me turn into a calm, cold, and collected machine.

    I don’t really see any addiction potential with the powdered leaf as doses are measured in grams and taking that much of any plant material just destroys your stomach. Extracts though are a totally different animal. They’re completely unregulated and there’s almost no indication of what’s actually in them. I’ve had a brand that totally does not even feel like kratom…

    They all taste like complete ass, even the capsules. Like kinda a green tea type flavor but absolutely terrible. And the burps you get after… There’s also a high chance of getting the opioid itch which sucks.

    I used to take kratom all the time but people started telling me I was acting very strange. I didn’t feel like I was acting strange though… So now I only take it for pain. Which it’s actually quite incredible for.

  • One wouldn’t be too foolish to assume that a “psychedelic mushroom alternative” would be psychedelic. Fact of the matter is, these mushrooms are not even close to a psychedelic and to advertise them as such is scam levels of misleading.

    Furthermore, lately amanitas are being proven very useful for benzo withdrawal and recovery. Now, I do not disagree with knowing everything about a substance and the science behind it… But come on! They’re comparing it to fentanyl in the article! Things like that are only going to get them made illegal and stigmatized. This makes medical research harder to do and takes potential medicine away from the people who could actually use it!

    Other than that, I was mostly just trying to give the people who clicked the thing some straight information. If they’re clicking the thing they’re likely already intrigued by it or psychedelics.

    I wasn’t particularly intending to attack the article in any way other than the premise set by the title. I personally really enjoy amanitas but their effects aren’t exactly what most people are looking for.