I feel like every member of HHS and other agencies should agree to just scream “GET FUCKED, BRAIN WORM” any time he says anything until they are fired or he quits.
I feel like every member of HHS and other agencies should agree to just scream “GET FUCKED, BRAIN WORM” any time he says anything until they are fired or he quits.
This is insane. When exactly is a permissible age for kids to be walking about on their own?
In Georgia, probably 30.
Do you mean “the left” as in “US democrats” or “the left” as in actual leftists? Because actual leftists have been attacked by every government in power of the US and western industrialized nations since before WWII. That “left” has a damn good reason for lacking a cohesive message.
The big money donors don’t even want to hear pretend populist messages with a left bent.
Glad my brain is cracked the same way as at least a couple other people. I saw the Venus of Willendorf as well.
What does happen if the president-elect dies before the inauguration?
Okay, how about the 34% of voters in PA as mentioned in the OP? Or the black Americans who said Gaza was important to them?
A reasonable court would have said “that’s a totally legitimate concern” and maybe suggested options for reviewing election integrity concerns without exposing PII to third parties.
This court would probably have waved off public statements by neo-nazis that they would hunt these people for sport as “insufficient cause for concern.”
At least they’re actually arresting them ¯_(ツ)_/¯
“Your honor, we clearly did not commit election interference, we committed fraud. Also, we’re not even doing it here anymore, so…we rest our case.”
Hopefully the absence of an algorithm pushing engagement at all costs will dispel some of it.
Do you have any insight into getting Linux to play nice with the different components of fusion drives? I have an old iMac and Mac mini both with Fusion Drive and after installing fedora or Ubuntu the SSD is seen and mounts fine but while the HDD is seen it doesn’t mount at startup despite setting it to mount at startup. I’d like to use these machines for some archiving and media hosting but that’s difficult if I can’t reliably access the much higher capacity drives.
Also, the tenor of commentary is different than it was this time in 2020. A lot more “someone should do something” and a lot less “I’m going to do something.”
Yeah, and Capitol police will probably be much more willing to default to lethal force considering they lost a few people the last go-round.
If you want a group to preemptively round up and detain, let’s talk about youth pastors and church youth group leaders. At least there’s evidence of a trend there.
This goes back a long way. There are posts on neo-nazi BBS systems from the 80s where they are talking about the strategy of making a racist comment, then playing it off as a joke if there’s pushback, and noting that a given audience may be receptive to more extreme and overt racist messaging in the future.
He was also a big part of…The Story of Everest!
Not sure why you’re being downvoted. Glaciers formed over millennia. If they melt, they’re gone, even if we drop CO2 to pre-industrial levels. The Antarctic ice sheet is millions of years of snow that fell at the rate of a few inches a year and just didn’t melt. If significant portions of that fall off and melt, it’ll be millions of years more for the water it adds to the oceans to cycle back to the ice sheet again. The changes we have made will not be reversed automatically or in many cases at all.
This is where the “both sides are the same” narrative does hold true. The base is different, but at the top are the wealthy who care only about their power and wealth. Human concerns do not touch them except at the extremes, so they will never really care about the lower class.