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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What makes you think people are “forcing” them to do this?

    You’ve now made it absolutely clear that you are just yet another anti-trans bigot who is pretending to want a conversation, but instead is just trying to weasel your abhorrent views into the public discourse.

    You have failed, and everyone here sees through your bullshit.

    You are what is wrong with discourse, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Side note to anyone else reading this: it’s SUPER easy to block people like this on lemmy and there really aren’t as many of these chodes as you’d think - I generally only have to block one or so a month and it makes things a whole lot less contentious once you realize you can just block people who are arguing that their hatred is somehow acceptable.

  • Blockers are still a change. Inhibiting your sexuality at that age drives a bigger rift between you and your peers. More so than feeling a bit different.

    What’s your source for this?

    Also, I’m not sure I would describe someone going through this process as “feeling a bit different”.

    The great thing about blockers is that you can stop them if they aren’t right for you.

    To your point about state laws against trans rights there is a LOT to unpack there but I was very clear about my stance of protect and support but do not intervene (in development.)

    Am I reading this correct that you seem to think that your “don’t let anyone take puberty blockers” stance is somehow protecting and supporting? And preventing others that from being able to do so is “not intervening”?