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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • A bit sad, yes. However, this image does somewhat validate my decision to stop watching after season 13. When the DVDs were selling, I bought up to that season as well. This image is also missing seasons 32-35 which looks like there are some better rated episodes. I am sure there are funny bits in the later seasons, but I am not really interested anymore.

  • Sadly, I’ll miss this one, but I was in the middle of Oregon during that total eclipse. Eerie is one way to put it, but I would say it provides somewhat of an existential experience having the moon fully interrupt the light of our star. The birds go quiet, the temperature drops and a twilight surrounds you whilst still being able to see sunlight off in the distance. I spent time using my camera for a moment or two, but really wanted to fully experience it at the same time. It involved a long time without sleep, but I am very happy I made the journey.

  • The fact that this scenario literally never happened didn’t stop the Supreme Court from ruling to strip protections away from the LGBTQ community.

    They did the same thing with the praying football coach. Ruling on the lies as facts in the case even after they were refuted. Actions suited for a kangaroo court. How shameful.


    "Under the real facts of Kennedy’s case, Kennedy violated the Constitution.

    The Lemon case, which the Court overruled in Kennedy, held that the government’s actions “must have a secular legislative purpose,” that their “principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion,” and that the government may not “foster ‘an excessive government entanglement with religion.’”

    A public school official conducting a very public prayer during the course of his official duties as a government employee clearly violates this Lemon test."