Male Bi Vers NY. Mostly posting for the boys here on Lemmy because the girls already get enough attention.

I’ll do anything once, and most things twice ;-)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I don’t have the context but I think gaybros is meant to be a chill place without any of the dom/sub/alpha/fag/masc/fem stuff that pervades a lot of gay spaces online. Just a place for guys to be guys and share whatever is on their mind. I don’t know if that’s official (wtf does official even mean on Lemmy) but that’s what it means to me.

  • Yeah an update:

    He’s straight as an arrow just very friendly and warm. I went out partying with him and his friends and it’s great how loving and supportive his friends are. Also been out for drinks with him and the bro date guy, and to his birthday hang. I also got to talk him up when he brought a first date with him to a party and he mentioned later how touched he was by that.

    He’s a great guy to know, and hopefully in time a good friend. And that’s plenty!

    But also yeah if he ever hinted he was feeling horny I’d be on my knees for him in a heartbeat 🙈 that’s just between you and me though.

  • I’m in a very different locale NYC where it’s not like that at all. I imagine culture in places like Serbia would definitely cause the problem you’re having. I’m sorry.

    Also fwiw I’m bi and there are also plenty of women here that don’t play games like that. Though yeah the chase is a little different with women than with men.

    The stereotypical gay thing btw I think it’s a way to let guys know you’re gay without having to have other men guess about your orientation. I don’t like it either, but I understand why it started.