Hi all. I’m Dan. You can message me on Matrix @danhakimi:matrix.org, or follow me on Mastodon at @danhakimi.

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  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I was referring to the comparative death tolls over the course of Israel’s decades long

    alright I’m going to ignore the rest of your antisemitic bullshit and just focus on the ratio you picked, probably also out of made-up numbers (and I doubt you included all the Israeli soldiers killed in wars started by surrounding Muslim nations pretending to act on Palestinians’ behalf), to frame the issue without ignoring what actually happened.

    Over the past few decades, the Palestinians have started every damn war they could against Israel, including two intifadas, suicide bombings, rockets aimed vaguely at civilians (historically, roughly 1/3-1/4 of the rockets fired from Gaza since 2001 landed in Gaza). Hamas has built plenty of tunnels in Gaza, but no workers, because it prefers to see its civilians die because it makes the statistics more gruesome and keeps their control of the gaza strip going.

    Meanwhile, Israelis invest billions into not only technology like the Iron Dome to defend Israeli civilians, but also in warning technology like roof knocking tech, medical tech that it used to save Palestinian lives, including that of Yahya Sinwar, and… Oh yeah, remember the thousands of greenhouses they left in Gaza in 2005 when they unilaterally withdrew? Gee, what ever happened to those?

    So Palestinians:

    • Don’t defend their own
    • Send their own into suicide missions—sometimes, in that history, literally
    • Literally kill their own (and count the numbers against Israel in their often made-up statistics, see the Al-Ahli hospital explosion)

  • I had no idea about the eastern-european origin and the particular relevance of potato fritters / latkes in jewish Hanukkah cuisine. Very interesting, thank you for the hint! Is having them with salmon and dill-sour-creme a particularly jewish way to serve them? I also very much like the name “lox” fo salmon because it sounds almost like the german word for salmon “Lachs”, so I would guess it is from Yiddish.

    We usually serve these types of latkes with either sour cream or apple sauce, and dill in general is common—either we put dill on our lox, or sour cream, or we make dill pickles… I’m Mizrahi (a Persian Jew), my family does plain yogurt with dill a lot.

    I think “lox” and “lachs” and “gravlax” share the same root, but they’re all technically a little different.

    I’m not sure if they are all Yiddish, I don’t speak Yiddish, but they’re either that or more direct loan words from some other European language.

  • ahh yes. Because the Israeli army has literally no options between “relentless bombing of Gaza, denying access to food, water and medicine,

    the IDF turned off its supply of 7% of gazan water for a few days, and is still getting shit for it. Hamas never bothered to maintain the power plant or desalination plant, stole fuel from the power plant that could have been used to keep running the hospitals and desalination plant, and openly dug up water pipes to fashion into rockets. They didn’t even hide that, they were proud of that.

    sniping civillians trying to flee according to your demand on the safe routes you designated

    You know that bridge was Hamas snipers, right? Israel didn’t have a real presence in that area yet, the closest thing they had was a ship that did not fire small bullets. People initially blamed all the bullet-ridden bloody bodies on the bridge on an Israeli airstrike, and then realized that there was no sign of any explosion anywhere on the bridge, and had to change their story. =/

    and bombing ambulances trying to move patients in the same way”

    Hamas said that there were no patients in those ambulances, but the IDF had intelligence that there were, in fact, terrorists in them. This is in keeping with a long-standing pattern going back a good 20 years, Hamas loves shuttling terrorists around in ambulances.

    Israel could have led an infantry assault into Gaza withou pounding everything first. That would have meant higher casualties though and here shows the true nature of Israels government and army.

    I love how, now, people are saying “they should have invaded by land!” when, before the ground invasion began, everybody was protesting the concept of a land invasion and surrounding nations had threatened to declare war if Israel invaded.

    They do not care for any palestinian life. So far for every Israeli soldier that got killed, more than 200 palestinian civillians were killed.

    You know how I know you made that number up? Nobody anywhere has published any number of palestinian civilians that were killed in this war.

    In world war 2 the axis powers killed about 6 civillians for every axis soldier and the allies killed about 1 civillian for every 4 ally soldiers. So the war that was about total destruction and genocide still had more than a magnitude less civillians killed relative to combatants killed.

    Please, feel free to cite Hamas statistics here, I’d love to see if they’ve finally claimed a number of civilians vs combatants.

  • (sorry, I don’t know why I never posted this, I have way too many tabs open)

    You know this is propaganda right? That number never came from Hamas go find them quoting it as fact, I’ll wait.

    Well, let’s see, where did the Telegraph get its 8,000 number from?

    On Sunday the Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry claimed the death toll among Palestinians passed 8,000, with most of them women and children.

    … gee, I didn’t even have to dig one layer deep, the Telegraph itself tells you it’s from Hamas. =/

    Let’s focus on the 500, though, who cites the number as a Hamas claim verified by literally nobody else?


    And who else commented on the number?

    the Al-shifa hospital director, who estimated it was half of that.

    But Hamas just knew in less than 20 minutes, somehow, that it was 500.

    The number came from an interview with a doctor right after the attack and it was mistranslated on Aljazeera.

    Does the doctor work for Hamas?

    Gee, I wonder how a Hamas employed doctor managed to count 500 dead bodies within 20 minutes. Israel is still trying to tally its dead, but Hamas managed to pronounce 500 people dead just in time to falsely accuse Israel of attacking the hospital on Al Jazeera?