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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 5th, 2023


  • Honestly looking them up now was the first time I’d seen anything good related to them. They made presentations in school as I was growing up that were…off the mark. Pushing for a “child” to be released when they became an adult but had committed some truly heinous crimes was not relatable.

    This person is your age or younger and committed multiple murders and rapes. Could you imagine having to spend the rest of your life in jail for a mistake you made as a child?

    Maybe if the murder had been accidental or the rape/sexual assault had been done by someone not old enough to understand. E.g. a 5 year old that was being abused and abused another child because that was all they knew. Or someone accidentally making mustard gas while cleaning.

    Nope. Not the cases they showed off. These details and such are not exact because it’s been decades. I do distinctly remember that the students were horrified and stopped volunteering with them. They brought gems like a teen (15?) murdering a family because the pre-teen daughter didn’t want to date him. He then raped her, her mother, and the infant/toddler. Or an older teen that was killing people and eventually poisoned the community water supply. Not by accident. Trial and errored until people stopped just getting indigestion and started dying. Caught when they tried to replicate their “success” at a different water supply.

    Otherwise they’ve shown up for gems like a toxic workplace, screwing over Navalny based on posts from a pro-kremlin source, poor spending practices by an excess of upper management, claiming credit for things they didn’t actually contribute to, and trying to throw Ukraine under the bus but being fine with Russia’s actions.

  • I miss when they had good hardware for a reasonable price. Some of my cheap original Logitech laser mice are still going, almost 2 decades later. Obviously not super heavy use as the switches have not worn out, but they’ve been shifted about the house as other mice break. So certainly not 0 use either.

    The tasks have been things like our old media centre mouse died, the old Logi mouse “temporarily” replaced it until we replaced the media centre. It’s not been unused any longer than a few months at a time.

    We tried buying some recently but the new ones are all optical so they had shit performance and died after maybe 3 months of light use.

  • Declaring it a “very brutal way” for his wife to find out, he believes that there could’ve been a chance of the marriage continuing had he been able to “talk to her rationally.”

    I’m not sure if he means he could continue his behaviour without being caught or if he planned on lying and saying it was a one time thing. Either way I highly doubt he had any plans to be honest.

    The “talk to her rationally” bit is hilarious. Yes I’ve been expensively unfaithful, have possibly been exposing you to a number of diseases without your knowledge, and have been physically unavailable regularly for years. What self respecting person wouldn’t “rationally” see that as perfectly acceptable! /s

  • If it’s black you’re fine. Brown is shelter now.

    Everyone I’ve talked to/know that do stats, forest work, work in the forest, etc. has flagged the same thing. There are a lot of deaths we can’t prove were grizzlies. The stats people all flag the missing person distribution. Areas known to have a heavy grizzly presence are noticeably higher than very low count areas. Lean years have noticeable spikes in those same areas.

    The people that work back country have all encountered grizzlies that seemed too comfortable with human aimed hunting behaviour. In their words “bear spray don’t mean shit to a hungry adult grizzly”.

    The campers killed in Banff reported a bear attack and sent an emergency GPS signal with the same message. Their route was pre-planned and communicated with someone staying behind. They checked in daily to report progress. They did everything right. It’s unusual, especially for leisure, that people do any of that.

    Asked a few relevant people their opinions on the deaths. Opinions differed a bit on exactly what caused it to be officially recognized as a grizzly attack. They did all agree on 2 things. The campers were role models for proper back country safety. If they hadn’t been they would have just been another missing or cause of death unknown statistic.