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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Not quite sure if you’re critiquing my comment or not? I said “parents and community”, obviously some parents struggle to be able to put food on the table but I’ve unfortunately also known parents who despite being able to, do not provide for their children. Regardless, when parents fail the community must step up, schools included which can and should in turn be funded to better be able to provide these services.

  • I didn’t fine this article very persuasive. While I don’t doubt there’s problems with the database or similar, it having an over representation minorities isn’t surprising considering the socioeconomic factors that cause organized crime are much more prevalent in minority communities. The part where they discuss increased use of less lethal force to me could be more easily ascribed to racism and prejudice than the database itself.

    I very easily could have missed something, but after reading other articles on it, it seems even worse than this article portrays it. Eg: folks being denied jobs and housing due to inclusion in the database, or an audit finding only 1.3 thousand people in the database were rightfully there in a database of 32 thousand people!!!

    Good riddance.

  • Other than abuse and right wing extremism, I’m also worried about the social impacts of this. Schools are where we meet people different from our parents, start to learn how to navigate communities and build relationships with our peers.

    While I know of parents and children who’ve had great home schooling experiences, it’s A LOT of work on the parents not only from q teaching/academic role, but from making sure kids are socialized enough to support their emotional growth.

    Taking your kids to church on Sundays and the library on Wednesdays is not enough for them to build strong relationships and learn and grow into well adjusted adults.