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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023

  • Thanks for the recommendation!

    I like the fold concept in theory, though it’s a bit exhausting protecting the screen all the time.

    Being able to set the phone anywhere at an angle to take a picture has come in handy super frequently.

    If this phone was full price though I think I’d be mad. I baby this screen line no tomorrow, and I’m diligent about keeping my pocket free of any dust and lint, let alone dirt or bits.

    I’ve got a tiny scratch in the middle of the fold, and the entire fold area has long tiny cracks forming from folding. I’ve only had this phone for like 7 or 8 months.

    My buddies broke in 30 days of buying it, and he had to fight to get it replaced.

    Again, I like the idea, and I enjoy using it. But there’s still too many pain spots for me to make the jump. It’ll have to get a lot cheaper or a lot more sturdy before I’ll get another.

  • As I understand it, there’s a range of sizes that are problematic, from small to micro to nano and beyond.

    The problem is the more plastic we make, and the smaller it starts, the easier it is for it to get worn down into smaller and smaller bits that become more problematic for us.

    One of the problems with all the macro plastics in the ocean is that that as they get churned up and baked in the UV from the sun, smaller and smaller bits break off and become part of the… Everything.

    Micro plastics are so prevalent that they can’t even do proper studies on how harmful it might be to us, because there are no control groups that have no plastics inside their bodies to compare against. Even babies in the womb have plastic in them. You have plastic in you right now, almost a 100% guarantee.

    There’s probably more to it than that even, but that’s my understanding of it.

  • I used to like the a400, had a few of them in service, but a few years ago I tried another one and it was terrible. Just… Slow… like an HDD. I did some research and apparently they changed something with the nand somewhere along the line. Did a bait and switch. I don’t remember the details but it annoyed me.

    I actually needed to buy a budget SSD just today, and I got a BX500. We’ll see how it goes. I know not to expect much from a drive without DRAM, but at least I know that going in.

  • Thanks, I guess I still don’t understand though.

    I see now that watts and therefore kW are rates. So it’s silly to add another rate to the end by appending “per hour”. But what is the time component of the watt calculation? To me it’s essentially instantaneous, even if that’s wrong. Even if that breaks the math, it’s still essentially true on a macro scale. And if it’s instantaneous, or even just close like microseconds, then it doesn’t hurt to apend another rate to the end, does it?

    So why not use it? Batteries come with capacities rated in Wh and kWh, and it weirdly still makes sense to me because of my usage rate per hour example in my last comment.

    And if we shouldn’t use it, then what should we use?

    Is this problem we’re discussing, one that only occurs if you try to get really accurate with the numbers and times? Because for my uses it’s always seemed to work well enough.

    Not being argumentative, just trying to learn, thanks

  • beastlykings@sh.itjust.workstoFunny@sh.itjust.worksGood luck!
    4 months ago

    Why make it a card then? If it’s meant to be stored as a document then it should be the size of an envelope, or a standard A4 sheet.

    I keep mine attached to the envelope sized paper it came on. But it shouldn’t be a card shape, that encourages people to carry it. My grandpa always carried his.

  • Wait wait Wait, can you give me more on this kWh thing? I thought I understood this already.

    A single kW is a unit of power, literally 1000 watts.

    A kWh is a unit of energy, as in stored or delivered. Draw 500 watts for 2 hours? That’s a kWh. Or have a battery that can hold 1 kWh, then assuming 100% efficiency you could draw 1000 watts from it for an hour before it was empty.

    All of this is kW times hour, I would say? But in my mind I would interchangeably say per hour as well, they feel the same.

    Obviously I’m wrong, but I’d like to know why lol

  • Oh I didn’t see that, good point. You might be right about the cut paper, but maybe it’s folded instead? Look at the bottom left corner, the paper extends below the printed line, almost like it printed crooked? But I think more likely it’s folded and that’s the backside of the other half of the ruler? Like, is so low resolution that we can’t tell it’s a loop of paper there, maybe.

  • Hey thanks man I really appreciate all your detailed help, and offer to buy those phones.

    I contacted one of those resellers, and they unsurprisingly weren’t interested in anything. I probably won’t try to put aftermarket firmware on them, I looked into it a bit and it seems it never really took off. Plus I live in an apartment. I’ll try to offload them on eBay or something.

    I’m certainly interested in getting you these phones, I have no use for them, and it seems like you do haha. Whatever is a fair price for you is fine by me, I’m not looking to get rich. I’ll try to send you a PM, I don’t even know if Lemmy supports that.

  • Hey thanks for the big writeup! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you.

    It’s a bummer that Meraki stuff is less desirable, I just pulled it all out of the closet and it looks like that’s most of what I’ve got.

    I’ve got two of the MR84, three of the MR36, a MS225-24P, some antennas for them, and three of some kind of IP phone CP-8841.

    Is the Meraki stuff contract only? My buddies boss gave him this stuff from the closet at work. Says he didn’t want or need it. Then he gave it to me 🤷‍♂️ I know my buddy didn’t steal it, but I’m hoping it’s not considered stolen or something? Because you have to have a contract? Idk maybe I’m overthinking it.